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Impact of Factors on Remediation of Major Toxic Elements (Vanadium, Chromium, Nickel, Arsenic, Strontium, Cadmium, Mercury, Lead, Uranium) Via Batch Adsorption Process
Published in Deepak Gusain, Faizal Bux, Batch Adsorption Process of Metals and Anions for Remediation of Contaminated Water, 2021
Deepak Gusain, Shikha Dubey, Yogesh Chandra Sharma, Faizal Bux
Strontium is found in nature in the +2 oxidation state only (Watts and Howe 2010). Strontium can find its way into environment by natural sources such as weathering of rocks. Anthropogenic sources are milling, use of phosphate fertilizers, and pyrotechnic devices. In addition, strontium-90 is an abundant radionuclide in nuclear fission and can be accidentally released into the environment (RSC 2020i). The high ingestion of the stable strontium led to a decline in the serum levels of calcitriol, which led to an adverse effect on calcium absorption (Armbrecht et al. 1998). An overview of the experimental parameters and optimized conditions from batch adsorption experiments for strontium is presented in Table 3.6.
Dose Coefficients
Published in Shaheen A. Dewji, Nolan E. Hertel, Advanced Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2019
Nolan E. Hertel, Derek Jokisch
Due to its similar valence electron structure to calcium and 29-year half-life, strontium-90 will be taken up in the mineral portion of the skeleton. Figure 8.23 shows that the dominant majority of nuclear transformations over the commitment period occur in the bone volume. The progeny of strontium-90, yttrium-90, is much shorter lived and therefore does not move appreciably far away in the body from the source region it is born in before decaying. Therefore, the number of transformations for parent and progeny are roughly the same in all source regions.
Radiochemical Methods
Published in Somenath Mitra, Pradyot Patnaik, Barbara B. Kebbekus, Environmental Chemical Analysis, 2018
Somenath Mitra, Pradyot Patnaik, Barbara B. Kebbekus
Strontium has several unstable isotopes in the mass range 79–98. The two most prevalent radioactive isotopes, however, are the 89Sr and 90Sr, both produced in nuclear fission. Strontium-90 is a long-lived high-energy beta emitter with a half-life of 29 years. The half-life of strontium-89 is 51.5 days. Three other radioisotopes of this element, namely, 91Sr, 92Sr, and 93Sr, all beta emitters and short-lived with half-lives of 9.5 h, 2.71 h, and 7.5 min, respectively, however, are not found in the environment. Strontium-90 is of major concern. The target organ in the body for strontium is bone where it undergoes ion exchange with calcium and is stored.
Strontium uptake and antioxidant capacity comparisons of low accumulator and high accumulator oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes
Published in International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2020
Strontium-90 (90Sr) is an important fission product of uranium-235 (235U) and plutonium-239 (239Pu), and it can be generated in high cumulative fission yields at 5%–6% in nuclear reactors or during nuclear weapon explosion (Vajda and Kim 2010). After a nuclear power plant accident, such as the cases of Fukushima in 2011 and Chernobyl in 1986, radioactive Sr isotopes (e.g., 90Sr) are dispersed into the environment (Sahoo et al. 2016). Typically, 90Sr is regarded as a key radionuclide with long half-life (T1/2 = 28.7 a) in radioactive pollution. Once it reaches the environment, 90Sr accumulates in the soil through atmospheric sedimentation and surface runoff and is subsequently absorbed by crop plants and livestock, possibly moving up the food chain for human consumption. 90Sr in soil can pose long-term radiation hazard and increased risks of cancer to humans when its concentration is elevated in the surroundings (Zhu and Shaw 2000). Thus, the 90Sr contamination of soil needs to be urgently remediated (Achal et al. 2012).
Overview of biological mechanisms of human carcinogens
Published in Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B, 2019
Nicholas Birkett, Mustafa Al-Zoughool, Michael Bird, Robert A. Baan, Jan Zielinski, Daniel Krewski
Radionuclides emitting β-particles were reviewed separately when adequate data were available, and evaluated as follows. There is sufficient evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of exposures during childhood and adolescence to short-lived radioisotopes of iodine, including iodine-131. These exposures produce cancer of the thyroid. Similarly, there is sufficient evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of therapeutic administration of phosphorus-32, as phosphate, which induces acute leukemia in patients with polycythemia vera. In addition, there is sufficient evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of external and internal exposures to fission products, including strontium-90, which initiates solid cancers and leukemia. This Group-1 classification was considered to be applicable to all β-particle-emitting radionuclides, based predominantly upon the following considerations: (1) all radionuclides that emit β-particles and that have been adequately studied, were noted to induce cancer in humans and experimental animals and (2) β-particles emitted by radionuclides, irrespective of their source, produce similar patterns of secondary ionizations and the same type of localized damage to biological molecules including to DNA. These effects include DNA double-strand breaks, chromosomal aberrations in circulating lymphocytes and gene mutations in humans in vivo, and cell transformation.
Removal of barium (II), cobalt (II), and strontium (II) from aqueous solution using chemically modified poly (acrylonitrile‐butadiene‐styrene) pellets
Published in Particulate Science and Technology, 2022
M. I. Aly, M. R. Hassan, M. M. Ghobashy, B. A. Masry
One of the most dangerous radionuclides existing in the environment is strontium (90Sr). Its high solubility in water resources and soil, long half-life besides its strong radiation toxicity lead to the ease of its retention by living organisms causing the substitution with calcium. The most common nuclear fission product of 90Sr is β-emission whereas the half-life time of strontium (90Sr) is nearly 28.8 years (Murphy 2001; Chen and Wang 2012).