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Published in Rick Houghton, William Bennett, Emergency Characterization of Unknown Materials, 2020
Rick Houghton, William Bennett
Phosphine (PH3) is a highly toxic, colorless gas. Phosphine may ignite spontaneously at 212°F. Diphosphine (P2H4) is also pyrophoric. Both of these materials are detectable with an AP2C® air monitor, which is highly sensitive to phosphorous and sulfur compounds. The response of the monitor should favor the G-agent alarm, although both light columns may illuminate. If using an air monitor, be sure to begin with a dilute fume sample so as to not overload the monitor. Phosphine can also be detected by the use of a colorimetric air monitoring tube. Some colorimetric tubes are sensitive to both phosphine and arsine.
Environmental, Health, and Safety Issues
Published in William C. Dickinson, Paul N. Cheremisinoff, Solar Energy Technology Handbook, 2018
Philip E. Mihlmester, John B. Thomasian, Michael R. Riches
Doping with phosphorus also presents several concerns, since phosphine (PH3), phosphorus oxychloride (POCl3), and phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) are used as the diffusing agents. Phosphine is a highly toxic gas with a lowest published lethal concentration (LCLo) for human inhalation of 9 ppm [3]. Chronic exposure to phosphine may result in gastrointestinal damage, anemia, and nervous system disorders [25].
Line broadenings of phosphine perturbed by He revisited
Published in Molecular Physics, 2022
J. Salem, M. Salem, M. Dhib, R. Ben Younes, H. Aroui, M. Hochlaf
Phosphine, PH3, is a colourless and flammable gas. It is present as a trace constituent of the low troposphere. It is used in industry as a dopant in semi-conductors [1]. It is toxic for humans and animals where it is used as a rodenticide to kill moles or other vermins as well as for the destruction of insects and mites in stored food and seeds. In addition, this molecule is part of the components of the atmospheres of the giant planets, Saturn and Jupiter [2–6]. For instance, it allows the monitoring of the dynamics of Saturn and Jupiter tropospheres as a tracer. Recently, it was detected in the atmosphere of Venus [7]. In exoplanet atmospheres, phosphine is supposed to be a biosignature gas [8]. It is therefore of astrophysical interest.
Acute occupational phosphine intoxications in the maritime shipping sector: a scoping review
Published in Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health, 2022
Petra Van de Sijpe, Maria Luisa Canals, Olaf Jensen, David Lucas
Phosphine, when used as a fumigant, is applied in two physical forms: as gas from pressurized cylinders or as a metallic phosphide, such as Aluminum phosphide, Magnesium phosphide, Calcium phosphide, Zinc phosphide which react with ambient moisture to release phosphine gas.8 Phosphine is a colorless, flammable gas with the smell of garlic or rotten fish. The threshold of olfactory detection in humans varies according to individuals but seems to appear above 0.3 ppm.9 The main route of systemic absorption is through the lungs. Phosphides can also be absorbed through damaged skin.10 For workers, the major risk is mainly during acute exposure. Cardiac arrest, vascular collapse, and pulmonary edema may occur.11 Most deaths occur within 12 to 24 hours of exposure and are related to cardiac effects. Cardiovascular toxicity is reversible.12,13 The risk of death arises with exposures greater than 400 ppm of phosphine and after 30 minutes. Health problems could also occur with a concentration lower than 50 ppm.14 The long-term follow-up of intoxicated patients did not show the persistence of those disorders. But respiratory diseases such as Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome RADS could occur after subacute exposure at a moderate dose.15 Phosphine is not classified as carcinogenic or reprotoxic by the International Agency for Research on Cancer and the European Protection Agency.8 The Threshold Limit Value-Short-Term Exposure Limit (TLV STEL) is 0.2 ppm in Europe and 1 ppm in the USA. Threshold limit value- 8 hr-Time-weighted average (TLV TWA) are 0.1 ppm in Europe and 0.3 ppm in the USA.8