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Published in Frank R. Spellman, Fundamentals of Wastewater-Based Epidemiology, 2021
The total phosphate test measures all the forms of phosphorus in the sample (orthophosphate, condensed phosphate, and organic phosphate) by first “digesting” (heating and acidifying) the sample to convert all the other forms to orthophosphate, then measuring the orthophosphate by the ascorbic acid method. Because the sample is not filtered, the procedure measures both dissolved and suspended orthophosphate. The dissolved phosphorus test measures that fraction of the total phosphorus that is in solution in the water (as opposed to being attached to suspended particles). It is determined by first filtering the sample, then analyzing the filtered sample for total phosphorus. Insoluble phosphorus is calculated by subtracting the dissolved phosphorus result from the total phosphorus result.
PULSE process: recovery of phosphorus from dried sewage sludge and removal of metals by solvent extraction
Published in Environmental Technology, 2023
Zaheer Ahmed Shariff, Laurent Fraikin, Aleksandra Bogdan, Angélique Léonard, Erik Meers, Andreas Pfennig
Technical grade HCl (35%), NaOH pellets (99%), and GPR Reactapur Tributyl phosphate (TBP) (99.8%) were purchased from VWR. Ca(OH)2 (≥96%), NH4HCO3 (≥98%), NH3 solution (25%), H2O2 (50%) were purchased from Carl Roth. Glass micro-fibre syringe filter type 693 (1.2 µm), AVS Titrinorm Buffer solutions for pH 1 and 9 were procured from VWR. HACH LCK 350 phosphate test kit, Hach FerroVer® total iron powder tests (method 8146), and Ferrous Iron Reagent Powder Pillow (method 8146) were procured from VWR. Free samples of Alamine 336, Ketrul D80, and Exxal 10 were received from BTC Europe GmbH (Germany), Total (Belgium) and ExxonMobil Petroleum & Chemical B.V.B.A (Belgium), respectively.
Isolation of bacteria with plant growth-promoting properties from microalgae-bacterial flocs produced in high-rate oxidation ponds
Published in Environmental Technology, 2023
Wiya L. Masudi, Yinka Titilawo, Taobat A. Keshinro, A. Keith Cowan
Phosphate solubilisation activity was determined using Pikovskayas (PVK) medium and tri-calcium orthophosphate (Ca3(PO4)2) as the sole source of insoluble phosphate [42]. For screening, 0.05 mL aliquots of seed culture were inoculated into 50 mL PVK broth, and -solubilisation activity was quantified after incubation at 30°C. Cultures were centrifuged (18,900 × g, 10 min) and in the supernatant determined spectrophotometrically using a Phosphate Test kit (Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany) after interpolation from a standard curve at 690 nm.