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Industrial Prospects of Bacterial Microcompartment Technologies
Published in Deepak Kumar Verma, Ami R. Patel, Sudhanshu Billoria, Geetanjali Kaushik, Maninder Kaur, Microbial Biotechnology in Food Processing and Health, 2023
Shagun Rastogi, Chiranjit Chowdhury
Later, pyruvate decarboxylase and alcohol dehydrogenase were targeted to an empty MCP shell resulting successful repurpose of a Pdu MCP to an ethanol nanobioreactor (Lawrence et al., 2014). Subsequently, a number of MCP targeting sequences have been identified which may facilitate the encapsulation of multiple enzymes at desired stoichiometries (Jakobson et al., 2015; Quin et al., 2016). Lately, Lee et al. demonstrated encapsulation of as many as four heterologous enzymes namely dihydroxyacetone kinase, glycerol dehydrogenase, methylglyoxal synthase and 1,2-PD oxidoreductase by fusion of targeting peptide individually at their N-terminus (Lee et al., 2016). But studies also revealed that fusion of N-terminal targeting peptide results aggregation of the proteins thereby lowering of the activity (Lee et al., 2016), which may tailback the progress of customized nanobioreactor design. In 2017, Jakobson and coworkers have made considerable success to this issue. They have demonstrated de novo design of targeting peptide, where a canonical leucine-zipper motif was shown to recruit heterologous cargo efficiently inside a Pdu MCP (Jakobson et al., 2017). Although, there was minor polar aggregation of the fusion protein as observed under transmission electron microscope, however, the issue was resolved by the addition of 1,2-PD in the media (Jakobson et al., 2017).
Related Topics I: Charge-Transfer Complexes in Biological Systems
Published in Jean-Pierre Farges, Organic Conductors, 2022
Vivian C. Flores, Hendrik Keyzer, Cissy Varkey-Johnson, Karen Leslie Young
Methyglyoxal has been found [246] to bind to structural proteins of beef liver. A very active and widespread enzyme, glyoxalase [247], transforms methylglyoxal efficiently to d-lactic acid. If this were the sole purpose of glyoxalase, a puzzle would exist because methylglyoxal and d-lactic acid together lie on no presently known metabolic pathway. However, the problem acquires a solution when solid-state concepts of charge transfer and electronic desaturation are applied to proteins interacting with methylglyoxal. Proteins suspended in water in the dark with methylglyoxal assume a stable brown color, and the dc conductivity increases by two orders of magnitude [248]. Large ESR signals are observed [248]. Methyglyoxal binds to form colored complexes with bovine serum albumin (BSA), casein, lysozyme, chymotrypsin, chymotrypsinogen, cytochrome c, and fibrinogen [248-250], Lorand showed [251] that all the arginine and 85% of the lysine groups in these proteins are involved in the interaction with methylgloxal. It has further been shown by Pethig and colleagues [248] that the color and electron spin resonance signal intensities are directly related to the number of unblocked lysine groups.
Genetic Engineering and Fabrication of Microbial Cell System for Biohydrogen Production
Published in Sonil Nanda, Prakash K. Sarangi, Biohydrogen, 2022
Sushma Chauhan, Balasubramanian Velramar, Rakesh Kumar Soni, Mohit Mishra, Vargobi Mukherjee, Tanushree Baldeo Madavi, Sudheer D.V.N. Pamidimarri
Theoretically, the molar stoichiometry of the H2 production from glycerol is 1 mol H2 per 1 mol of glycerol. Moreover, using glycerol as a carbon source in anaerobic fermentation, the cell can have an extra NADPH+, which can be used as an added cofactor, which could be used by the cell. Hence, the researchers view that, glycerol fermentation will be more beneficial and, if a good recombinant strain is developed, it could be a great success in the perspective of commercial production (Maeda et al., 2018). To date, the best study in developing recombinant E. coli for glycerol fermentation is by knockout of seven genes for the accumulation of formate. The selected gene knockout is fumarate reductase (frdC), formate dehydrogenase (fdnG), lactate dehydrogenase (ldhA), nitrate reductase (narG), phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (ppc), methylglyoxal synthase (mgsA) and the regulator of the transcriptional regulator FhlA (hycA) (Tran et al., 2015). Blocking of the methylglyoxal synthesis in the cell has a good effect of diverting the metabolic flux towards formate accumulation. The resulting strain was successfully able to reach near to the theoretical values (1 mole of H2 form 1 mole of glycerol) (Maeda et al., 2018).
Atmospheric degradation mechanisms and kinetics for OH-initiated oxidation of trans-β-ocimene
Published in Molecular Physics, 2023
As discussed above, most of TBO oxidation products are carbonylic and multifunctional compounds, and they could have a great impact in the atmosphere. For example, for acetone, one of the major products, the photolysis of it is a source of acetyl radicals, which can further undergo oxidation to form peroxy and alkoxy radicals and peroxyacetylnitrate (PAN) in the atmosphere. PAN is a key reservoir for nitrogen oxides (NOx = NO + NO2) in the troposphere [51,52] and exerts a profound influence on tropospheric chemistry [53,54]. For methyl vinyl ketone, it will aggregate on the atmospheric aerosols in the polluted area and enter the respiratory tract to cause serious adverse effects on lung cells [55,56]. Furthermore, methylglyoxal and glycolaldehyde, the main oxidation products of methyl vinyl ketone in the atmosphere, are found to be involved in the SOA formation [57–60] and methylglyoxal is harmful to amino acids and proteins [61]. For HCHO, it plays an important role in tropospheric photochemistry and in ozone formation [62]. Furthermore, HCHO may result in serious health effects when its level in the air reaches or exceeds 0.1 ppm. In addition, nitrated compounds formed in the atmosphere can also be used as a reservoir of nitrogen oxides [63].
Metabolic engineered E. coli for the production of (R)-1,2-propanediol from biodiesel derived glycerol
Published in Biofuels, 2022
Wilson Sierra, Pilar Menéndez, Sonia Rodríguez Giordano
The natural production of 1,2-propanediol (4) by E. coli as a glycerol (1) fermentation product has been recently reported, contrary to what was formerly described [28, 42, 43]. Metabolic engineering of this strain, including the overexpression of E. coli methylglyoxal synthase (mgsA), glycerol dehydrogenase (gldA) and an aldehyde reductase (yqhD) resulted in improved 1,2-propanediol (4) yields. Furthermore, the substitution of the native phosphoenol pyruvate dependant dihydroxyacetone kinase (dhaK) for an ATP dependant kinase from C. freundii relieved the identified bottleneck for production of this compound. The above mentioned genetic modifications, along with the knockout of essential enzymes from the competing lactate (8) and acetate (10) fermentation pathways, yielded a strain capable of producing 5.6 g.L-1 de 1,2-propanediol (4) with a yield of 21.3 % (g/g) [39]. The stereochemistry of the isolated diol was not reported.
Methylglyoxal induced advanced glycation end products (AGE)/receptor for AGE (RAGE)-mediated angiogenic impairment in bone marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells
Published in Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 2018
Jeong-Hyeon Kim, Kyeong-A Kim, Young-Jun Shin, Haram Kim, Arshad Majid, Ok-Nam Bae
Methylglyoxal (MG), a highly reactive α-oxoaldehyde, is generated by nonenzymatic fragmentation of triose phosphates produced during glycolysis (Thornalley 1996). It was reported that plasma levels of MG were elevated in diabetic patients (Han et al. 2007; Lapolla et al. 2003). MG produces an advanced glycation end products (AGE), resulting from binding with the arginine residue of the protein, and the most common MG-derived AGE form is MG-derived hydroimidazolone-1 (MG-H1) (Thornalley et al. 2003). Receptors for AGE (RAGEs) play a key role in AGE signaling, particularly recognizing MG-H1 (Goldin et al. 2006; Xue et al. 2014). Enhanced formation of AGE enhances the risk of CVD complications in diabetic conditions (Bodiga, Eda, and Bodiga 2014; Cooper 2004; Hanssen et al. 2015). Further, Chen et al. (2009); Chen et al. (2010)) noted that AGE induced EPC dysfunction by increasing oxidative stress, promoting apoptosis, and inhibiting migration and blood vessel tube formation. Although evidence that AGE might contribute to EPC dysfunction was reported, it has not been demonstrated yet whether MG, a diabetic metabolite, might affect AGE formation and consequent functional impairment in EPC. In addition, the relationship between AGE formation and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signaling, which acts as a key homing signal in angiogenic functions of EC and EPC, remains to be established (Piperi et al. 2015). The aim of this study was thus to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying endothelial dysfunction observed in diabetes by using MG-induced angiogenic impairment as a model and examining involvement of AGEs/RAGE pathway in EPC.