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Published in Ko Higashitani, Hisao Makino, Shuji Matsusaka, Powder Technology Handbook, 2019
Wei Sung Ng, George Vincent Franks, Elizaveta Forbes, Luke Andrew Connal, Hiroki Yotsumoto
An improvement on column cells is the Jameson cell, which is able to produce high-grade concentrates of fine particles at substantially smaller footprints.31 Jameson cells differ from conventional column and pneumatic cells due to their downcomer design, where the air is drawn into the suspension pneumatically during the jetting of the feed slurry in the downcomer, as shown in Figure 5.21.9. This results in high-intensity mixing, and high probabilities of particle–bubble collision and attachment. Thus, shorter slurry residence times are required for Jameson cells, allowing for more compact designs. The bubble residence time is much greater than in column cells, as the downward flow rate of the slurry is only slightly higher than the upward velocity of the bubbles, effectively leading to higher particle–bubble contact times. The shearing of the air in the downcomer also produces very fine bubbles, suitable for the flotation of fine particles.
Mill-to-Melt Energy Efficiency Opportunities
Published in Sheila Devasahayam, Kim Dowling, Manoj K. Mahapatra, Sustainability in the Mineral and Energy Sectors, 2016
In some mineral processing sites investing in more energy-efficient froth flotation cells, such as the Jameson Cell can increase productivity. The Jameson Cell consistently produces smaller bubbles compared to earlier cell types. The mixing and adhesion occur more quickly in a smaller space, and a higher percentage of mineral is recovered. It can treat a large amount of material with a small footprint. The Jameson Cell requires a pump but has no requirement for a motor, air-compressor, or moving parts (Glencore Technology, 2012). Larger-volume flotation cells consume less energy per cubic meter of material processed, allowing for a simpler plant layout with a smaller overall physical footprint according to Jarmo Lohilahti, technology manager, flotation, Outotec. For example, it is claimed that the slower rotation speed Outotec FloatForce reduces power consumption and the carbon footprint while enabling better recovery levels (http://www.outotec.com/en/Sustainability/Sustainable-offering-for-customers/Flotations-sustainable-future/). The SuperCells, the largest flotation cells in the world, with a capacity ranging from 300 to 350 m3 created by FLSmidth Minerals—reportedly offers lower energy consumption, improved recovery, and increased operational efficiency, outperforming its predecessor (FLSmidth, 2009).
Column Flotation
Published in S. Komar Kawatra, Advanced Coal Preparation and Beyond, 2020
The Jameson cell has been installed in several Australian coal preparation plants (Atkinson et al., 1995). The results from one such plant installation are shown in Table 8.1. In parallel tests with conventional cells, the Jameson cell has been found to give superior performance for both fine and coarse coal flotation.
Application of novel flotation systems to fine coal cleaning
Published in International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, 2020
Gan Cheng, Yijun Cao, Chuanxiang Zhang, Zhendong Jiang, Yuexian Yu, Manoj K. Mohanty
Jet flow refers to the process by which mineral particles and bubbles achieve efficient collision and adhesion in a narrow circular pipe. A jet flotation section consists of two parts: the bubble generator and jet segment. Jet flow creates a high-turbulence environment for bubble-particle contact, provides the energy source for the entire flotation process, and also provides highly turbulent kinetic energy. A highly turbulent environment is beneficial for dispersing and mixing pulp and improving the recovery of fine minerals. Typical representatives include the Jameson flotation column, jet flotation column, and contact cell. Compared with conventional cells, the main advantages of the Jameson cell are its high production capacity, low consumption of reagents, high mechanical shear, etc (Mohanty and Honaker 1999).