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Toxic Responses of the Lung
Published in Stephen K. Hall, Joana Chakraborty, Randall J. Ruch, Chemical Exposure and Toxic Responses, 2020
Glass fibers are manufactured from a melt of a batch containing silica, limestone, aluminum hydroxide, soda ash, and borax. Fiberglass is produced by drawing or blowing the molten glass into fine fibers that are flexible but retain the tensile strength of glass. The risk from inhalation of respirable fibers is not fully evaluated. Among the hazards to workers are those due to abrasions. Some workers may develop dermatitis from the mechanical action of the fibers on the skin, and a small percentage of them may develop an allergic dermatitis from the binder. Fiberglass is capable of producing a mechanical, transitory skin irritation characterized by a maculopapular eruption. It usually is noted at pressure points, such as around the waist, collar, and wrists. This temporary irritation usually begins to decrease within 3 to 5 days after beginning work with the material. Workers experience no lasting adverse effects once they are removed from exposure to the material.
Structural Description of Materials
Published in Snehanshu Pal, Bankim Chandra Ray, Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Nanostructured Materials, 2020
Snehanshu Pal, Bankim Chandra Ray
There are five noteworthy sorts of fiberglass: A-glass (soluble base glass), which has great concoction obstruction but lower electrical properties; C-glass (compound glass), which has high substance obstruction; E-glass (electrical glass), which is an incredible cover and opposes assaults from the water; S-Glass (basic glass), which is improved for mechanical properties; and D-glass (dielectric glass), which has the best electrical properties but lacking in mechanical properties compared to E and S glass.
Fans and Blowers
Published in Paul N. Cheremisinoff, Air Pollution Control and Design for Industry, 2018
Fiberglass-reinforced plastics (FRP) fabricated fans also are used under corrosive conditions. Fiberglass plastics are strong, lightweight, and economical as well as corrosion resistant. Fans also can be coated with fiberglass plastics for protection. The maximum temperature at which fiberglass can be used is 200°F. Aluminum and aluminum alloys also have corrosion-resistant properties and can be used for applications with a maximum operating temperatures of 3,000°F.
Composite materials, technologies and manufacturing: current scenario of European Union shipyards
Published in Ships and Offshore Structures, 2023
Montserrat Dolz, Xavier Martinez, Daniel Sá, João Silva, Alfonso Jurado
When asked about the reinforcement materials most used by the shipyards, the results showed that nearly all of them (97%) use fibreglass and that most of them (69%) also use carbon fibres. Other synthetic fibres. such as Kevlar or hybrid combinations are also used. Of this result is also interesting to point out how the most common natural fibre, flax, is barely used by shipyards. The predominant use of glass fibres, and the reason why it is widely used in boats, can be explained because they offer excellent mechanical strength, high resistance to humidity and excellent thermal insulation, as well as being low cost and easy to maintain (Chawla 2019). This is also confirmed in Kimpara (1991) where it is stated that fibreglass has apparently reached a plateau in the marine sector. The results of Figure 6 show the materials that are used by the shipyards and not the proportion in which each material is used. However, it is known that fibreglass, apart from being the reinforcing material used in the vast majority of shipyards, is the most used fibre in the shipbuilding sector.
Influence of manufacturing process and GFRP pin loading on shear and dynamic behaviour of composite joints
Published in The Journal of Adhesion, 2023
Thulasidhas Dhilipkumar, Murugan Rajesh
Fibre-reinforced composite materials are widely used to manufacture structural components in the aviation, marine, and automobile industries owing to their benefits, such as lightweight, higher strength, design flexibility, good damping properties, and thermal stability.[1,2] Tail fins, radomes, flap propellers, rotor blades, and wingtips are classic examples of primary structural components made using fibreglass reinforced composites. Likewise, boat hulls and ship decks were also constructed using fibreglass reinforced composites. Advanced lightweight composite materials are good replacements for metallic materials such as steel and aluminium in weight-sensitive engineering applications. Accordingly, the need for high performance, reliable, and durable composite structures has become essential. In addition, the joint design plays a significant role in the reliability and performance of advanced lightweight composite structures because they are the weakest part of the structure. For this reason, composite joint design has emerged as an essential topic for researchers.[3–5]
The influence of carbon-glass blade structure on the performances of the whole wind turbine
Published in Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2021
Xiaofeng Guo, Xinxiang Huang, Quan Wang, Ren Zhang
For a 2 MW wind turbine blade, through investigation of the domestic market of china, it is found that the cost of raw materials accounts for 75%, and the proportion of infused glass fiber accounts for 80% of the total cost of the raw materials. The infused glass fiber can be classified into three types: the uniaxial fiberglass in CAP and TER, the Biaxial Fiberglass in blade surface, and the triaxial fiberglass in blade root, and among them, the proportion of uniaxial fiberglass material is 45%.