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Insights into Pathways of Biodegradation of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals by Microbes
Published in Vineet Kumar, Vinod Kumar Garg, Sunil Kumar, Jayanta Kumar Biswas, Omics for Environmental Engineering and Microbiology Systems, 2023
Kulal Deekshitha, Shetty K. Vidya
Due to the toxicity and persistence of EDCs in the environment, it is important to study their mechanism of degradation by microbes. Several authors have proposed the degradation pathways based on the intermediates produced in the degradation process. Figure 21.3 presents the degradation mechanism of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate by YC-IL1 strain (Lamraoui et al. 2020). Lamraoui et al. (2020) observed two intermediates during the breakdown of DEHP by Enterobacter spp. YC-IL1, i.e. mono-(2-ehtylhexyl) phthalate (MEHP) (m/z, 277) with a retention time of 2.60 minutes and phthalic acid (PA) (m/z, 164.9 and 121.0) with a retention time of 1.443 minutes. Hydrolysis of ester linkage occurs in DEHP between each alkyl chain and its aromatic ring, which leads to the appearance of MEHP at the fourth day of incubation period. It was further hydrolyzed to PA at ester bond, which appeared on fifth day and then disappeared due to its conversion into benzoic acid, finally utilizing it for cell growth. Four metabolic intermediates, dibutyl phthalate (DBP), monobutyl phthalate (MBP), phthalic acid (PA), and pyrocatechol (PC), were identified with the breakdown of DBP by Methylobacillus sp. (Kumar and Maitra 2016). The DBP levels decreased with time, whereas the MBP and PA levels increased with the highest level of PC being present on the eighth day of incubation. The pathway suggests the conversion of DBP to MBP, which gets converted to PA. PA finally gets converted to carbon dioxide through the formation of PC (Kumar and Maitra 2016).
Processing Additives
Published in Mohamed N. Rahaman, Ceramic Processing, 2017
A common binder–plasticizer combination used in dry pressing is PVA and PEG [13]. The PEG molecules have a lower molecular weight and are less polar than the PVA molecules. In addition to causing the PVA chains to pack less densely, the less polar PEG molecules can reduce van der Waals or hydrogen bonding (due to the polar hydroxyl groups) between the PVA chains. PVA is also hygroscopic, and the adsorbed moisture can plasticize the PVA chains. This may lead to a variability in Tg of the binder phase and the properties of the green article if the PVA is stored for extended periods in an atmosphere with variable relative humidity. For nonaqueous systems, PVB and dibutyl phthalate (DBP) are a commonly used binder–plasticizer combination.
Trends in Polymer Applications
Published in Manas Chanda, Plastics Technology Handbook, 2017
The use of plastics in horticultural industry has grown substantially in recent years. Several plastics, and PVC in particular, are used in applications such as hosepipes, glazing strips, paint, and wiring. However, it has come to light that as greenhouses become airtight, some chemical vapors released by plastics may build up to levels toxic to plants. The plasticizer dibutyl phthalate (DBP) used in PVC has thus been found to be phytotoxic in a greenhouse environment. Research has shown that a fire retardant used in polystyrene trays and granules reduced the growth of some seedlings. Similarly, a silicone joining compound used in greenhouses and fumes from a paint used on an electric boiler were also found to be harmful to test plants.
Using fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy to investigate the interaction between di-n-butyl phthalate and bovine serum albumin
Published in Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 2022
Di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP), one of the most popular phthalate esters (PAEs) with low molecular weight, is easily detected in many products including flexible plastics, medical devices, and some cosmetic formulations.[1,2] DBP has received widespread concerns due to its high production volume, in millions of tons annually, and its negative effects on human health.[3,4] With the widespread manufacture and application of PAEs, they are inevitably released into the environment and also have been detected in human serum and plasma.[5–8] In recent years, PAEs have gained the increasing interest of a large number of scientists since they are known for their carcinogenic, endocrine-disrupting, and toxic effects on environmental quality and human health.[9,10] In light of this negative health potential, many countries have enacted environmental regulations to prevent the human intake of PAEs. These active developments have led to increasing interest and research efforts on the effects and control of PAEs.[10] Because the affinity between PAEs and serum albumin strongly influences PAEs distribution and determines the free fraction available for subsequent interactions with targeted receptors, it is an important factor in understanding the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic properties of PAEs.[10,11]
Removal of dibutyl phthalate from aqueous environments using a nanophotocatalytic Fe, Ag-ZnO/VIS-LED system: modeling and optimization
Published in Environmental Technology, 2018
B. Akbari-Adergani, M. H. Saghi, A. Eslami, A. Mohseni-Bandpei, M. Rabbani
Suspected of impairing the function of hormones in the human body, even at trace levels [1], Phthalic acid esters (PAEs), a class of refractory organic compounds used as plasticizers in polyvinyl chloride plastics, are suspected carcinogens and teratogens in humans and animals. The United States Environmental Protection Agency and the European Union have classified PAEs as top-priority pollutants [2–4]. PAEs are not chemically bound to the host material; so they can be easily released from consumer products into the environment. Phthalates are problematic because these chemicals can spread to aqueous environments, which can have potential effects on animal and human health. Phthalates and their by-products are very toxic, mutagenic and potentially endocrine disruptive to aquatic species, resulting in the classification as top-priority pollutants [5]. Some studies showed that PAEs and their derivatives were correlated to several human diseases, for example, male reproductive tract disorders, testicular cancer and breast cancer [6,7]. Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) is one of the most widely used phthalates in the plastics industry. DBP pollution is ubiquitous in all environments, such as surface water, soil and landfill leachate. DBP is an oily liquid that is soluble in fat and slightly soluble in water [4,6]. Under the European Union chemical classification system, DBP is classified as ‘dangerous to the environment’ (very toxic to aquatic organisms) [8]. Table 1 shows the structure and main physicochemical properties of DBP.
Di-n-butyl phthalate disrupts neuron maturation in primary rat embryo neurons and male C57BL/6 mice
Published in Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 2022
Seulah Lee, Wonjong Lee, Seonguk Yang, Yeon Ji Suh, Dong Geun Hong, Seung-Cheol Chang, Hyung Sik Kim, Jaewon Lee
Phthalates are widely used to increase the flexibilities of plastics, and thus, the amounts produced mirror plastic production volumes (Giam et al. 1978). Di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) is low molecular weight phthalate that is commonly used in plastics to make a large variety of consumer products such as home furnishings, children’s toys, drink bottles, packaging materials and in personal care products including some pharmaceuticals (Chung et al. 2019; Duty et al. 2005; Schettler 2006). It is noteworthy that DBP is released into drinking water, air, and soil and is readily absorbed following inhalation or through skin (Giuliani et al. 2020; Hauser and Calafat 2005; He et al. 2015).