Low-cost automation for artificial drying of cocoa beans: A case study in the Amazon
Published in Drying Technology, 2022
Wagner Vitor dos Santos Furtado, Oziel Almada Vaz Júnior, Adonney Allan de Oliveira Veras, Pablo Henrique Caracciolo Gomes de Sá, Arlindo Modesto Antunes
Dating back to 1678, the first cocoa crop (Theobroma cacao L.) in the Brazilian Amazon produced an income from this crop equivalent to its value today; thus, its cultivation was of great interest to Portuguese settlers and the first product exported from farms in the Amazon rainforest. There is no doubt regarding the importance of cocoa production from the analysis of economic and cultural bias, in which the relevance of its exploitation, both nationally and internationally, is notorious. From its products and by-products, one obtains the popular chocolate, as well as other derivatives, such as cocoa butter, liquor, and cocoa powder.[1,2]