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Coagulation and Mixing
Published in Paul N. Cheremisinoff, Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Technology, 2019
Liquid caustic soda is received in bulk shipments, transferred to storage, and diluted as necessary for feeding to the points of application. Caustic soda is poisonous and dangerous to handle. U.S. Department of Transportation Regulations must be observed. However, if handled properly, caustic soda poses no particular industrial hazard. To avoid accidental spills, all pumps, valves, and lines should be checked regularly for leaks. Workers should be thoroughly instructed in the precautions related to the handling of caustic soda. The eyes should be protected by goggles at all times when exposure to mist or splashing is possible. Other parts of the body should be protected as necessary to prevent alkali bums. Areas exposed to caustic soda should be washed with copious amounts of water for 15 min to 2 hr. A physician should be called when exposure is severe. Caustic soda taken internally should be diluted with water or milk and then neutralized with dilute vinegar or fruit juice. Vomiting may occur spontaneously but should not be induced except on the advice of a physician.
Household Products
Published in Charles R. Foden, Jack L. Weddell, Household Chemicals and Emergency First Aid, 2017
Charles R. Foden, Jack L. Weddell
Neutralization is a chemical reaction that will change the hazardous chemical to a usually non-hazardous material and water. For acids, there are several neutralization agents that may be used, but they all have drawbacks: Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) or potassium hydroxide (caustic potash), both in a concentrated solution in water, will be the most effective, but they are expensive, and are very hazardous materials themselves.Calcium hydroxide (slaked lime) dissolved in water is not as dangerous to use as the sodium and potassium hydroxides, but it is expensive and not as effective.All three hydroxides may be used in their dry, solid form, but they are very hazardous in this state and will not mix as rapidly as the solutions will.Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda), sodium carbonate (soda ash), and calcium carbonate (crushed limestone) are usually recommended because they are relatively inexpensive (calcium carbonate is the least expensive and the least effective, but works adequately) and they will do the job.
Removal of Micro-Pollutants from Wastewater through MBR Technologies: A Case Study on Spent Caustic Wastewater
Published in Zainura Zainon Noor, Noor Salehan Mohammad Sabli, Sustainable Water Treatment, 2017
Noor Sabrina Ahmad Mutamim, Zainura Zainon Noor
Caustic soda, also known as sodium hydroxide is widely used in industries as the main ingredient for soap and detergents. It is used in making soft drinks and glass, in the chemical peeling of fruits, and for many other purposes. For instance, caustic soda is used as a detergent for cleaning drums or tanks in many industries, especially in petrochemical industries because of its alkalinity value in removing obstinate dirt. Besides that, it is very essential as a raw material in pulping and bleaching processes. Today's refineries and petrochemical producers are forced by more stringent environmental regulations to better monitor and control their wastewater. The spent caustic from refineries and petrochemical plants is categorized in the Environmental Quality Act 1974 under the First schedule of Environmental Quality Act 2005 (Scheduled Wastes) Regulation 2005 (SW 314-Oil or sludge from oil refinery or petrochemical plant) (Environmental Quality Act, 1974). The spent caustic should be treated to comply with the standard where the recovered, recycled, and reconstituted processes should achieve the standard and specification categorized as scheduled waste.
Biodiesel production using Chlor-alkali brine sludge waste as a heterogeneous catalyst: optimisation using response surface methodology
Published in International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 2022
Pascal Mwenge, Hilary Rutto, Christopher Enweremadu
Sodium chloride is the main ingredient used to manufacture hydrogen, chlorine, and caustic soda through an electrolytic process in Chlor-alkali industries. These products are used in the manufacture of pesticides, soaps, pharmaceuticals, detergents, herbicides, titanium dioxide, and plastics such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyurethanes, and epoxy. Chlorine and hydrogen are produced at the anode and cathode, respectively, and are separated using a membrane or a diaphragm. Soda ash is used to precipitate magnesium carbonate and calcium carbonate in the brine solution to prevent the poisoning of the cells in the membrane which can stop the exchange of ions and affect the entire electrolytic process resins (O'Brien, Bommaraju, and Hine 2005). This precipitation process is shown by Equations (1) and (2).
Ground granulated blast furnace slag to control alkali induced swell in kaolinitic soils
Published in International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2019
Sai Kumar Vindula, Rama Vara Prasad Chavali, P. Hari Prasad Reddy, T. Srinivas
Sodium hydroxide which is known as caustic soda is inorganic in nature. Apart from its use in most of the industries (paper and pulp, soap making, textiles, petroleum industry etc.) as a very strong chemical base its role in tissue digestion is unique. Moreover, the concentrations of NaOH used in all industries were normally greater than 20N. However, industrial leakage of alkali solutions generally ranges from 1 to 4 mol/l (Reddy and Sivapullaiah 2010). Based on literature review and case studies in the past (Rao and Rao 1994; Sinha et al. 2003; Sivapullaiah and Manju 2006a, 2006b; Reddy and Sivapullaiah 2010) 4N concentration of sodium hydroxide was considered as an alkali contaminant in this present study. Pellet forms of sodium hydroxide from Fisher Scientific was purchased with density 2.1 g/cm3, mass of 39.9971 g/mol and solubility in water as 111 g/100 ml (20 °C). Glassware used for the preparation were completely cleaned and sterilised to overcome any inferences. 4N concentration of sodium hydroxide was prepared by dissolving 80 g sodium hydroxide pellets in distilled water. Prepared solution was placed in a water bath till it comes to room temperature. Solution was transferred after liberation of heat into a volumetric flask to make 500 ml of solution by adding distilled water. Not to waste, the solution was prepared only to the required quantity.
Effects of occupational health and safety management systems implementation in accident prevention at a Harare beverage company
Published in Cogent Engineering, 2022
Tatenda Musungwa, Pedzisai Kowe
Chemical hazards were also a threat to employees who works in the packaging department. Caustic chemical causes severe skin burns. The warehouse department was exposed to the ergonomics hazards arising from the use of chairs that are unsuitable to the nature of work conducted. It was observed during the period of administering the questionnaires and conducting the interviews that the warehouse department was a busy workplace due to constant use of lift truck operations. These pose a threat of collision to workers.