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Gas Data: Inert Gases
Published in James Moody, Design and Construction of Laboratory Gas Pipelines, 2019
Argon is a compressed gas that can cause physical injury to the user or other nearby individuals. An uncontrolled pressurized gas flow provides a source of energy that can accelerate particles and other small items to velocities that may cause physical injury to the user or other nearby individuals.
Gas shielded arc welding (MIG, MAG and TIG)
Published in Andrew Livesey, Alan Robinson, The Repair of Vehicle Bodies, 2018
Argon has been more extensively used than helium because of a number of advantages: Smoother, quieter arc actionLower arc voltage at any given current value and arc lengthGreater, cleaner action in the welding of such materials as aluminium with ACLower cost and greater availabilityLower flow rates for good shieldingEasier arc starting. The lower arc voltage characteristics of argon are used to advantage in the welding of thin metals, because the tendency towards burn-through is lessened. Pure argon can be used for welding aluminium and its alloys, copper, nickel, stainless steel and also for MIG brazing.
Investigating the effect of residual stresses and distortion of laser welded joints for automobile chassis and optimizing weld parameters using random forest based grey wolf optimizer
Published in Welding International, 2023
Sanjay S. Surwase, Santosh P. Bhosle
Experiments were carried out on the prepared samples to produce butt, and cross joins as per Figure 3 dimensions. The experimentation has been performed on a LETiPTOP LBW machine model LWM-3000W. This LBW machine can perform LBW operations on workpieces up to 10 mm Thickness. Argon shielding gas is used for welding operations. Specimens are held flat and tightly secured to the work table so that movement of the ASTM A710 grade-A steel specimen workpieces is arrested during and after the welding process. While the cross-joint specimens are rotated to a specific angle using stoppers so that the welding can be performed at the desired angle. Table 3 shows the different specifications of the LBW machine used in the present investigation.
Molecular dynamics simulation for studying the stability of structure H clathrate-hydrates of argon and large guest molecules
Published in Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2018
Pourya Reshadi, Hamid Modarress, Bahram Dabir, Sepideh Amjad-Iranagh
The noble gases due to the simple type of host–guest interactions that they make in the lattice structure of hydrate are considered as a favourable candidate to be used as a help gas. Argon as a noble gas is chemically inert under most conditions, colorless, odorless, non-toxic and non-flammable gas. Moreover, argon is the third most abundant gas (approximately 0.93% by volume) in the earth’s atmosphere and because of low cost (one-fourth the cost of methane) and its safety, is one of the most common noble gas, which practically is preferred to be used in the gas hydrate-related industries.[15,16]
Experimental investigation of heat transfer through Nitrogen and Argon gas in a closed space reactor vault model
Published in International Journal of Ambient Energy, 2020
M. Anish, V. Jayaprakash, P. Chandrasekar
In our setup, Argon is used to create a layer of thermal insulation between the safety and the main vessel. Argon possesses many advantageous over Air in such high-temperature applications, and it is easily available. Thus, it satisfied the criteria for the suitable gases. Argon is a chemical element with symbol Ar and atomic number 18. It is in group 18 of the periodic table and is a noble gas. Argon is the third-most abundant gas. The few major advantages of using Argon is that it is lighter (sp gr 1.38 at 1.013 bar & 21°C) when compared to air; so it can easily fill up the assigned spaces very easily. The main reasons for using Argon are that it is an inert gas and thus, it will not react with the surrounding materials, and during high temperatures, most of the materials tend to corrode on material surfaces. Since it is an inflammable gas, the possibility of tending to ‘be explosives at closed chambers and high temperatures and pressure which is required to be a big consideration’ since in the nuclear reactor we have a closed seal chamber of just an argon layer. The application of liquid/gaseous argon, which inhibits combustion for preventing, controlling and extinguishing mine fires, is now universally accepted for the last 50 years. This paper presents the scientific relevance and selective criteria for use of argon in substance. In natural convection, the fluid surrounding a heat source receives heat, becomes less dense and rises. The surrounding, cooler fluid then moves to replace it. This cooler fluid is then heated and the process continues, forming convection current; this process transfers heat energy from the bottom of the convection cell to the top. The driving force for natural convection is buoyancy; as result of differences in fluid density, an example was given by Chen. In other cases, natural buoyancy forces alone are responsible for fluid motion when the fluid is heated, and this process is called ‘natural convection’. An example is the draft in a chimney or around any fire.