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Impact of Cadmium Toxicity on Environment and Its Remedy
Published in Vineet Kumar, Vinod Kumar Garg, Sunil Kumar, Jayanta Kumar Biswas, Omics for Environmental Engineering and Microbiology Systems, 2023
Pushpa Ruwali, Niharika Pandey, Tanuj Kumar Ambwani, Rahul Vikram Singh
Individuals occupationally and environmentally exposed to Cd are known to develop lung cancer (Field and Withers 2012). Lei and co-workers (2008) exposed normal bronchial epithelial cells to Cd for a prolonged period in vitro and visualized their transformation to a malignant state; similar kinds of results were obtained in a nude mouse model. The human lung epithelial cells that are transformed due to Cd induction are called CCT-LC, which showcase the property of invasion, increased colonization, autonomous growth, and hyperproliferation (Person et al. 2013). Along with these properties, the CCT-LC suffer a loss in the expression of p16 and overexpression of the cyclin D1, both characters being associated with highly proliferating tumor cells and lung cancers (Demirhan et al. 2010).
Analysis of Molecular Prognostic Factors in Breast Cancer by Artificial Neural Networks
Published in Raouf N.G. Naguib, Gajanan V. Sherbet, Artificial Neural Networks in Cancer Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Patient Management, 2001
B. Angus, T.W.J. Lennard, R.N.G. Naguib, G.V. Sherbet
Cyclin D1 acts at the G1-S interface and indirectly promotes entry into S phase. The gene encoding the protein is amplified in around 20% of breast cancers. Contrary to expectations, immunostaining for cyclin D1 has been shown to correlate with ER expression and longer survival [37]. Clearly the role of cyclin D1 in breast cancer is complex and does not relate directly to cellular proliferation. Cyclin D1 (with other cyclins) acts in association with cyclin dependent kinases to inactivate the retinoblastoma (rb) gene protein (by phosphorylation) permitting activity of the E2F transcription factor family to promote S phase specific genes. Lack of rb protein or activity might therefore be predicted to be associated with cell cycle deregulation and poor outcome in breast cancer. However, although association between loss of rb expression and positive lymph node status, high tumour grade, and ER negativity have been shown, no relationship to outcome has been demonstrated.
Therapeutic potential of a 2,2’-bipyridine-based vanadium(IV) complex on HepG2 cells: cytotoxic effects and molecular targeting
Published in Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2023
Eman Salah El-Shafey, Eslam Samy Elsherbiny
In the same context, the unlimited propagation of HCC cells could also refer to the uncontrolled progression of cell cycle, which is the main hallmark for numerous tumor cells [16]. Many cell cycle regulators are involved in this process. Cyclin D1 is considered as a critical cell cycle controller that mediates the G1/S-phase transition through triggering cyclin-dependent kinases such as Cdk4 and Cdk6 [17]. Additionally, Cyclin D1 can inhibit cell migration by the maintenance of p27kip1 and suppression of Rho-associated protein kinases and myosin [18]. Furthermore, Cyclin D1 could mediate indirect cell migration through limiting transition of epithelial-mesenchymal (EMT) [19]. Overexpression of cyclin D1 in liver cancer cells permits cellular proliferation through cell cycle activation and thus promotes tumor cell propagation. Thus, suppression of cyclin D1 level could be a potential strategy that aimed to inhibit progression of cancer cells [20].
Malignant growth of arsenic-transformed cells depends on activated Akt induced by reactive oxygen species
Published in International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 2023
Qun Lou, Fuxun Chen, Bingyang Li, Meichen Zhang, Fanshuo Yin, Xiaona Liu, Zaihong Zhang, Xin Zhang, Chenlu Fan, Yanhui Gao, Yanmei Yang
Compared to parent cells, transformed cells by arsenic exhibited enhanced aptitudes in cell viability, which might be the consequence of cell cycle progression (Dai et al. 2018). Cell cycle transition is precisely regulated by regulatory factors to maintain cellular homeostasis, whereas abnormal expression of these factors drives uncontrolled cell cycle progression, thereby promoting carcinogenesis(Poon 2016; Walker 2020). As a positive regulator of cell cycle progression, Cyclin D1 overexpression induces cell overgrowth and plays an important role in driving oncogenesis(Kim and Diehl 2009). Previous studies have shown that arsenite can induce Cyclin D1 expression in mammalian cells, including HaCaT cells(Ouyang et al. 2008), human embryo lung fibroblast(HELF) cells(Li et al. 2011) and JB6C141 cells (Ouyang et al. 2006; Zhang et al. 2009), which promotes cell malignant transformation and involves transformed cells colony forming capacity. Therefore, increased Cyclin D1 is required for sustaining malignant phenotype for arsenic-transformed malignant cells.
The inhibitory effect of Tamarix hispida mediated silver nanoparticles on Cyclin D1 protein expression of human cancer cells line
Published in Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2020
Mohades Peydayesh, Mahammadali Raisi, Keyghobad Kaykavousi, Majid Amiri Gharaghani, Meghdad Abdollahpour-Alitappeh, Faride Mosazade, Alexander Seifalian, Mehrdad Khatami
Breast cancer is known as the second cause of death worldwide while the common treatments of cancer, like chemotherapy and radiotherapy, are harmful to the normal cells.[33,34] Therefore, investigating new ways to prevent and relieve cancer is highly required. It is shown that the consumption of food and fruits with antioxidants can prevent and cure cancer.[35,36] Plants with antioxidants and polyphenols can decrease the Ag+ to Ag0. The data showed that Tamarix hispida extract has anti-cancer properties. The bioreduction of silver nanoparticles has become notably practical as a result of the diverse constituents of Tamarix hispida. Flavonoids have vital roles in the reduction procedure of AgNPs biosynthesis and correspondingly, the large content of flavonoids and phenolic acids that exist in the T. hispida extract carry its capability in the bio-reduction of Ag ion to AgNPs, while the formation of these nanoparticles has changed the extract color from light yellowish to dark brownish in the time and density of silver ion manner. The toxicity of AgNPs occurs through their effects on cellular energy metabolism, similar to their effect in decreasing the mitochondrial operation. AgNPs can damage DNA. AgNPs have been observed to release Ag+ ions in the presence of water.[37] However, this important issue needs to be clarified in further investigations.[12] Cyclin D1 protein is one of the important biochemical switches in the cell cycle. This protein is highly expressed in most cancers. Cyclin D1 has been found to be overexpressed in breast carcinoma Cyclin D1 is needed for mitosis cell cycle progression so it controls the cell cycle. Regulation of Cyclin D1 results in controlling different cancers, because it can act as a strong cell division control protein. Its potential use as a biomarker was suggested.