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Designing for Upper Torso and Arm Anatomy
Published in Karen L. LaBat, Karen S. Ryan, Human Body, 2019
The thoracic and right lymphatic ducts are also tubular structures passing through the thorax. The thoracic duct is the largest lymphatic vessel. It collects products of fat digestion in the abdomen as well as lymph from three-quarters of the body (Phang, Bowman, Phillips, & Windsor, 2014). It has numerous valves, to prevent backflow, and lies in front of the lower thoracic vertebral bodies. Like the esophagus, the thoracic duct passes through a hiatus in the diaphragm. The right lymphatic duct is the common drainage vessel for the R upper quarter of the body. It is located in the R upper thorax. The thoracic duct and R lymphatic duct empty into the “crotch” between two large veins in the upper L and upper R thorax—like putting a third pipe into a Y-junction between two other pipes. These lymphatic structures are well-protected within the body. To be effective, compression garments need to direct lymphedema fluid back to one of these two ducts.
Chapter 11: Applications And Characterization Of Radiolabeled Or Magnetizable Nano- And Microparticles For Res, Lymph, And Blood Flow Studies
Published in Alan Rembaum, Zoltán A. Tökés, Micro spheres: Medical and Biological Applications, 2017
Strand Sven-Erik, Andersson Lena, Bergqvist Lennart
The lymphatic trunks join the subclavian or jugular veins near their junctions — on the left side, the deep cervical duct draining the head and neck, the subclavian duct draining the arm, and the thoracic duct draining the abdominal viscera and lower extremities, the ducts enter the venous system in close association with one another.
Physico-mathematics and the life sciences: experiencing the mechanism of venous return, 1650s–1680s
Published in Annals of Science, 2022
One of the first anatomists to comment specifically on blood flow inside the veins was the young Frenchman Jean Pecquet in his book Experimenta nova anatomica (Paris, 1651).45 This book was a major contribution to the history of anatomy because it showed that the liver – traditionally thought to produce blood from chyle, a milky fluid produced during digestion – did not produce blood after all. Instead, chyle bypassed the liver into the thoracic duct, a new duct discovered by Pecquet that connected the lacteal vessels to the blood circulation.46 Pecquet’s book was a great success and, within three years of publication, went through an augmented second edition and an English translation.47 In this book, Pecquet included a dissertation centred on the problem of blood motion in the veins.48 There, he argued that the original impulse of the heart’s contraction was not enough to account for the return of blood to the heart through the veins, a motion today called venous return.49 More importantly, in certain parts of venous return, Pecquet noticed that the blood moves in a direction contrary to that of its own weight, or, in modern terms, against the law of gravity.50 This contrary motion of the blood is particularly problematic in human beings and upright animals because more than half of the blood flows upwards towards the heart through the inferior vena cava (Figure 1).51 How can such a large quantity of blood move upwards without the original impulse of the heart?
Investigation of novel sorafenib tosylate loaded biomaterial based nano-cochleates dispersion system for treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma
Published in Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2021
Raj J. Ahiwale, Bothiraja Chellampillai, Atmaram P. Pawar
Biodistribution studies of ST and STNCs were performed in male Wistar rats to investigate the distribution of ST and STNCs in 6 organs (Brain, Heart, Lungs, Spleen, Liver, Kidney) at 2 hours after oral administration. Reversible equilibrium between blood and various organs was achieved. Free drug ST was distributed enough to the kidney, heart, and lungs and in contrast less distributed in the brain, spleen, and liver. STNCs were well distributed in the spleen and liver but less in the lungs, heart, kidney. STNCs were significantly distributed in spleen and liver, therefore STNCs can be explored as a possible formulation for drugs targeting the liver and spleen malignancies. STNCs though bypass the first-pass metabolism and are significantly available in spleen and liver this may be attributed to the nano-cochleates getting constructed in the core of chylomicron by enterocytes and the enters the lacteals (lymphatic system), further the chylomicron travel to the thoracic duct and enter the systemic circulation thereby delivering the STNCs to a general circulation which further takes the way to liver and spleen (Figure 8).[61] This resulted in pronounced treatment through STNCs which was further revealed in histopathological results, liver function test, and biochemical outcomes.