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Indoor Air Quality
Published in Mary K. Theodore, Louis Theodore, Introduction to Environmental Management, 2021
Mary K. Theodore, Louis Theodore
Polymer components are found in clothes, furniture, packages, and cookware. Many are used for medical purposes—for example, in blood transfusion bags and disposable syringes. Fortunately, most polymers are relatively nontoxic. However, polymers contain unreacted monomers, plasticizers, stabilizers, fillers, colorants, and antistatic agents, some of which are toxic. These chemicals diffuse from the polymers into air. Certain monomers (acrylic acid esters, toluene-diisocyanate, and epichlorohydrin) used to produce plastics, polyurethane, and epoxy resins in tile floors are all toxic.
Determination of Pesticides in Water
Published in José L. Tadeo, Analysis of Pesticides in Food and Environmental Samples, 2019
Rosa Ana Pérez, Beatriz Albero, José L. Tadeo
MEPS is a micro-version of SPE. In this extraction method, the packing is integrated directly into the syringe and not in a separate column as in SPE. This form of miniaturized SPE uses a procedure similar to in-tube SPME and SPDE. The small amount of the sorbent (1–6 mg) enables the reduction of sample volume and organic solvent for elution of the compounds. Moreover, if the cleaning conditions are properly optimized, the same packed syringe may be reused many times. Many materials such as silica-based (C2, C8, C18) sorbents, strong cation exchangers, or MWCNTs can be used as sorbents in MEPS [78]. The direct injection of the extracts into the liquid or gas chromatograph can be done, and this technique can be coupled on-line with GC or LC. Recently, Szarka et al. [79] developed a MEPS method for the simultaneous extraction of seven pesticides (including endocrine disrupting chemicals) from environmental water samples, in combination with GC–MS. The developed methodology requires a very low sample volume (60 µL) and also low consumption of organic solvent (21 µL). Recoveries ranged between 77 and 119% and LOQs from 1.3 to 50 ng/L.
Identification of Infectious Waste
Published in Peter A. Reinhardt, Judith G. Gordon, Infectious and Medical Waste Management, 2018
Peter A. Reinhardt, Judith G. Gordon
In addition to occupational safety and health concerns regarding contaminated sharps, there are also public health considerations. One concern is the risk to the public from needles and syringes that appear in public places and degrade the environment.† Another concern relates to drug abuse and the availability of needles and syringes. Proper management of sharps can alleviate both concerns. Use of suitable containers eliminates loose needles and minimizes the risk they pose of needle sticks and other injuries. Appropriate treatment of sharps makes the needles and syringes unsuitable for reuse.
Assessment of environmental and occupational exposure while working with multidrug resistant (MDR) fungus Candida auris in an animal facility
Published in Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 2019
Steven R. Torres, Heather C. Kim, Lynn Leach, Sudha Chaturvedi, Corey J. Bennett, David J. Hill, Magdia De Jesus
C. auris strains CAU-09, provided by the CDC and isolate M5658 found in a New York state outbreak both belonging to the South Asian clade were used for infection studies.[29] Prior to C. auris infection, 100 µg of the monoclonal antibody RB6-5C8 that depletes Ly6G neutrophils and macrophages (Thermo Fisher, San Diego, CA) was administered by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection using a 25G needle (BD, Franklin Lakes, NJ). Twenty-four hr later, 100 µL of C. auris was administered via tail vein (intravenous) injection at concentrations ranging from 105 to 108 cells. Prior to infection, mice were initially anesthetized in an isoflurane chamber located outside of the BSC. Once the mouse was anesthetized, the individual outside the BSC placed the mouse inside the cabinet. The individual with the hands inside the cabinet then placed the mouse into an illuminated mouse restrainer (Braintree Scientific, Braintree, MA) and placed a nose cone on the mouse. After the injection, the mice were transferred back into the cage located inside of the BSC. The injection syringe was immediately placed in a sharps container to prevent needlestick accidents. When all mice in a particular group had been injected, the cage was wiped with 10% bleach by the individual inside of the cabinet, followed by a wipe with 70% ethanol by the individual outside of the cabinet. This procedure was repeated until all groups had been injected. To collect organs by necropsy, mice were euthanized in a CO2 chamber located inside the BSC, and death was confirmed by cervical dislocation. Blood was collected via cardiac puncture using a 26G needle, and spleen, liver, kidney, stomach, heart, brain, and lungs were collected and placed in labeled 5-mL tubes (CELLTREAT, Pepperell, MA) containing 2 mL of HBSS with no dye on ice. Organs were ground through a 70-µm cell strainer (CELLTREAT, Pepperell, MA) using a pestle (CELLTREAT, Pepperell, MA), and 20 µL of the resulting homogenate were plated on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar plates with antibiotics in triplicate and incubated at 37 °C for 24 hr for colony forming units (CFU). When there was a need to remove hands from inside the BSC, the exterior gloves were doffed and a new pair donned before continuing to work. Glove changes were also done in between handling of different treatment groups to avoid cross-contamination. Surgical tools were sanitized with 10% bleach, 70% ethanol, and water between mice. The carcasses were placed into a sealable biohazard bag. At the end of the procedure, blue pads were sprayed with 10% bleach, allowed to sit for 5 min, then sprayed with 70% ethanol, rolled up and placed into a biohazard bag. All contents of the BSC including the ice bucket, tubes where organs were collected, and surgical tools were sprayed with 10% bleach, allowed to sit for 5 min, and then wiped down with 70% ethanol. The biohazard bag containing the mouse carcasses was placed into a second sealable biohazard bag and then frozen prior to final disposal by incineration. The biohazard bags containing blue pads and any waste were placed into a biohazard waste bin. The BSC was wiped down with 10% bleach and then cleaned with 70% ethanol.