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Human Interaction with Vehicles for Improved Safety
Published in Nishu Gupta, Srinivas Kiran Gottapu, Rakesh Nayak, Anil Kumar Gupta, Mohammad Derawi, Jayden Khakurel, Human-Machine Interaction and IoT Applications for a Smarter World, 2023
The major classifications of messages in vehicular communications have been provided in Figure 12.4. However, the classifications can further be divided into subclasses. For example, life-critical safety message can be of many types, i.e. accident occurred, extreme weather conditions, when a vehicle is out of control or if the driver has lost the balance, fuel tank leakage warning, etc. Similarly, on-road service identifiers can be of many types. The possible classifications of safety messages are shown in Figure 12.5 and that of non-safety messages are shown in Figure 12.6. However, there can be many other messages. The static priority assigned to each message is solely based upon the type of the message. Priority of each message type may or may not be different. However, in most cases, it is different. In case the static priority is not different for two more message types, the dynamic priority is used to find out which message is to be transmitted first. Dynamic priority is also used to identify the priority of two or more same types of messages.
Hybrid Data Structures for Fast Queuing Operations in Vehicular Communication
Published in Nishu Gupta, Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues, Justin Dauwels, Augmented Intelligence Toward Smart Vehicular Applications, 2020
The major classifications of messages in vehicular communications have been provided in Table 8.3. However, the classifications can further be divided into subclasses. For example, accident information message can be of many types, i.e., place and time of accident, extreme weather conditions, vehicles out of control, and fuel tank leakage warning. Similarly, amenities information can be of many types. The possible classifications of messages are shown in Table 8.4. However, there can be many other messages. The static priority assigned to each message is solely based upon the type of the message. The priority of each message type may or may not be different; however, in most cases it is different. In case the static priority is not different for two or more message types, the dynamic priority is used to find out that which message is to be transmitted first. Dynamic priority is also used to identify the priority of two or more of the same type messages.
Object-Oriented Modeling and Simulation
Published in Derek A. Linkens, CAD for Control Systems, 2020
Sven Erik Mattsson, Mats Andersson, Karl Johan Åström
Class inheritance is a concept used for defining abstract data structures in some programming languages. It was first introduced in Simula [5] and has become an important concept in object-oriented programming. For an overview of object-oriented terminology and concepts, see, for example, the work of Stefik and Bobrow [41]. In object-oriented programming, a class defines an abstract data type, i.e., a collection of data attributes and functions operating on the data. A class can be defined as a subclass of another class, called the super class or the base class. By inheritance, all attributes of the base class are available in the subclass. Additional attributes can be added to the subclass to extend or specialize the definition.
A web-based system architecture for ontology-based data integration in the domain of IT benchmarking
Published in Enterprise Information Systems, 2018
Figure 3 provides a conceptual overview of these three ontology sections and the relations in between. Grey nodes indicate DUL concepts and properties. The nodes of the graph illustrated in Figure 3 refer to concepts (i.e., classes) or datatypes (cf. Motik, Patel-Schneider, and Parsia 2012) of the ontology, whereas the edges refer to properties provided by the ontology. A class can also be considered as a set of instances, and a subclass can be considered as a subset of those instances (Motik, Patel-Schneider, and Parsia 2012). A property can either establish a direct link between instances of two classes or link an instance to a literal (i.e., a value of a certain data type).