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Fermented Milk Products
Published in Debabrata Das, Soumya Pandit, Industrial Biotechnology, 2021
The major classifications of cheese and its types have been discussed briefly along with their nutritional information. The complete process of cheese production including the major steps such as milk standardization, pre-treatment, incubation of starter culture, the addition of rennet, salting etc. has been discussed in detail. A detailed study of yoghurt, the microorganisms in yoghurt, and the complete commercial process of yoghurt production such as homogenization, pasteurization, cooling etc. has been given. Probiotic foods and the characteristic lactic acid bacteria present in probiotics such as the Streptococcus–Lactococcus branch (Family Lactobacillaceae), Lactobacillus (Family Streptococcaceae) and probiotics in the form of different products such as acidophilus milk, bifidus milk, acidophilus-bifidus milk, mil-mil, yoghurt, yakult, kefir, cheese, koumiss/kumiss, miru-miru etc. and various compositions of milk have all been reviewed. Lastly, the advantages and disadvantages of different fermented foods were discussed.
Characterization of bacterial resistance in treated hospital wastewater
Published in Environmental Technology, 2022
Gisele Canan-Rochenbach, Marco A.B. Barreiros, André O.S. Lima, Pascale Bauda, Eric Sanches-Simões, Wendell Pimentel-Almeida, Rafael Ariente-Neto, Cleder A. Somensi, Tito C.M. Almeida, Rogério Corrêa, Claudemir M. Radetski
In regard to the antibacterial power of the tested antimicrobials, for the Enterobacteriaceae, meropenem (MER, 27/28), norfloxacin (NOR, 26/28), ciprofloxacin (CIP, 25/28), levofloxacin (LEV, 25/28), and cefepime (CPM, 21/28) were the most effective antimicrobials, while for the non-Enterobacteriaceae, norfloxacin (NOR, 11/15), ciprofloxacin (CIP, 10/15), levofloxacin (LEV, 9/15) and cefepime (CPM, 9/15) were most effective. Ampicillin (AMP, 5/6), vancomycin (VAN, 5/6), and gentamicin (GEN, 4/6) were the most effective antimicrobials against the tested bacteria of the Streptococcaceae family.
Using photocatalyzed-peroxonization to disinfect and denature genetic material of bacterial plasmids present in hospital wastewater
Published in Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 2023
Aline Dal Conti-Lampert, André L. F. Souza, Renan C. Testolin, Gisele Canan-Rochenbach, Marco A. B. Barreiros, Cleder A. Somensi, Gizelle I. Almerindo, Rafael Ariente-Neto, Sergio Y. G. González, Claudemir M. Radetski, Sylvie Cotelle
Table 1 shows the strains of bacteria from 3 families found in the studied hospital wastewater and the number of antibiotics to which the strains were resistant.[30] The purpose of showing this table here is to certificate about the presence of bacteria in the studied samples, and that all bacteria species respond to the FDA test. Furthermore, Table 1 shows that resistant bacteria belong to 3 families, i.e., Enterobacteria, non-Enterobacteria, and Streptococcaceae.