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Bee Colony Optimization
Published in A Vasuki, Nature-Inspired Optimization Algorithms, 2020
When the queen bee returns to the hive it starts breeding by crossover operation of its genome with any one of the randomly chosen sperms from its spermatheca. The crossover operations generate a brood. The mutation operator is applied on these broods to introduce diversity into the population. Mutation also prevents generation of the same brood in case the same sperm is chosen twice from the spermatheca for crossover. The worker bees improve the fitness of the brood thus produced. The fitness of the worker bee is increased in proportion to the improvement in the fitness of the brood. Thus, after mating, the queen bee generates a set of partial solutions. The worker bees are allotted to take care of the brood generated by crossover and mutation. The queen with the least fitness function value is replaced by the brood with the highest fitness value and this is repeated until there is no queen which is less fit than any of the broods. The remaining broods are eliminated, and the next mating flight takes place.
A new prediction model of solar radiation based on the neuro-fuzzy model
Published in International Journal of Ambient Energy, 2020
Mohammad Reza Parsaei, Hossein Mollashahi, Ayda Darvishan, Mahdi Mir, Rolando Simoes
Stage 1: Produce the early drone sets and queen, creating m drones with gene length c, denoted by the matrix Dmc: where is the jth gene value of the ith drone which can be controlled between [0,…,L] while for any j. Between all drones, drone Dh with the max value for f(Di) in all i is dispensed as the queen Q (Abedinia et al. 2012; Ghadimi and Firouz 2015). The queen Q is called Xbest as: Stage 2: The process of mating in flight: The second stage involves the mating during flight of queen Q. The best drone Dk with the biggest Prob(Q, Di) Prob among the drone set D is chosen as the object of mating for the queen Q. Consequently, the queen's velocity as well as related energy are reduced by and . In this strategy, the process will continue till the low speed of S(t) as threshold d or the number of sperms of the queen's spermatheca of nsperm. Generally, obtained amounts of d and nsperm are set previously by users and the nsperm is less than m. The selected sperms, Sperm, are defined by: Spi is the ith separate in the queen's spermatheca.