The therapeutic effect of nano-zinc on the optic nerve of offspring rats and their mothers treated with lipopolysaccharides
Published in Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2023
Eman Mohammed Emara, Hassan Ih El-Sayyad, Amr M Mowafy, Heba a El-Ghaweet
Many studies demonstrated that injecting bacterial LPS into the optic nerve of rats induced optic neuritis (ON). ON is characterized by a disruption of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and leukocyte infiltration, as well as unilateral visual loss, afferent pupillary deficiency, abnormal visual evoked potentials (VEPs), periocular or retro-orbital pain in conjunction with eye movement, astrocytosis, demyelination, axon degeneration and RGC degeneration [12]. RGC oxidative damage is caused by increasing reactive oxygen species (ROS), and it is associated with numerous diseases such as glaucoma, hereditary optic atrophy, ischemic optic neuropathy, Traumatic Optic Neuropathy and Optic Neuritis. LPS injections also increased the levels of inducible nitric oxide synthase, COX-2, interleukin-1β and TNFα mRNA levels as well as increased the production of retinal superoxide, decreased activity of superoxide dismutase 2 and activated the inflammasome. All previous findings have been associated with optic nerve damage [13].