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Contrast media extravasation
Published in William H. Bush, Karl N. Krecke, Bernard F. King, Michael A. Bettmann, Radiology Life Support (Rad-LS), 2017
If an extravasation occurs at our institution, the affected extremity is elevated above the heart in such a way that the circulation to and from that extremity is not compromised. Ice packs are applied for 15–60 min. These applications can be repeated two or three times a day if necessary.
Effects of exercise intensity on gut microbiome composition and function in people with type 2 diabetes
Published in European Journal of Sport Science, 2023
L. Torquati, T. Gajanand, E. R. Cox, C. R. G. Willis, J. Zaugg, S. E. Keating, J. S. Coombes
Participants were provided with a home test kit to collect faecal samples both at baseline and follow-up. This kit contained 1x swab tube for faecal sample collection for DNA sequencing and analysis (FecalSwabTM, COPAN Italia, Brescia, Italy); and 2x tubes for the collection of >1 g of faecal samples, which was used for the analysis of short chain fatty acids – SCFA (see below). The FecalSwabTM kit contains a swab that is used to collect the necessary amount of sample and a preservative that stabilises DNA and improves extraction yield. Participants were provided with sampling instructions that followed the International Human Microbiome Standards for frozen samples (IHMS SOP 04 V1) (Dore et al., 2015). Once participants collected their samples, they were instructed to place them in a provided sealing bag. This bag was then placed into another sealing bag that contained a gel ice pack to keep the samples frozen during transport back to the lab. Participants stored their samples at –20°C straight after collection and returned these to the lab within a week. Once in the lab, all samples were stored at −80°C until analysis.
Biomonitoring of DNA damage in individuals exposed to brick kiln pollution from Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Published in Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health, 2018
Muhammad Khisroon, Ajmal Khan, Muhammad Imran, Farrah Zaidi, Ahmadullah, Syeda Hira Fatima
The alkaline comet assay (CA) was carried out according to the protocol proposed by Singh et al (1988) with slight modifications.11 Normal melting agarose (NMA) 1% solution was used for preparing the precoated slides, which were stored at room temperature until needed. I general, we prepared precoated slides one day before use. The lymphocytes (10 μl) were mixed with 65 μl of low-melting-point agarose (LMPA) (0.7%) and spread on top of precoated slides. The slides were kept on ice pack for 5 minutes to solidify, then a second layer of LMPA (75 μl) was applied and the slides were again kept on ice pack to solidify. Then the slides were gently dipped in freshly made cold-lysing solution ([100 mM Na2EDTA, 2.5 M NaCl, 10 mM Tris, pH 10] with 10% DMSO and 1% Triton X-100 added just before use) for at least 2 hours at 4°C.
Evaluating the usability of a commercial cooling vest in the Hong Kong industries
Published in International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 2018
Albert P. Chan, Yang Yang, Wen-fang Song
Occupational workers’ perceived usability of the hybrid cooling vest is predicted with higher explicative power from cooling effect than that from ergonomic design (path coefficient is 0.69 for cooling effect–usability and 0.55 for ergonomic design–usability; Figure 2). Thermal and wetness sensations perceived by occupational workers can be beneficial to ascertain the cooling effect of the personal cooling vest in real work settings [12]. The hot–cool sensation of the hybrid cooling vest was considered neutral for occupational workers with a rating of 3.30, and the vest was somewhat wet with a rating of 2.80 on the wet–dry sensation. These results indicated that the cooling effect of the hybrid cooling vest might not be superior. It thus is inferred that the cooling effect of a ventilation fan and/or frozen ice pack incorporated into the hybrid cooling vest remains uncertain.