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Knowledge-Based Module for Site Characterisation
Published in Nebojša Kukurić, Development of a Decision Support System for Groundwater Pollution Assessment, 2020
Finally, the SCM can assist the user in planning (additional) site investigations. First of all, the user is ‘equipped’ with knowledge onparameters) to be defined and method(s) to be applied. In addition to that, a sheet of the electronic notebook can be prepared for each parameter, as described in Section 4.3 (Task Unit CAMPAIGN). If, for example, a slug test is planned, then the sheet should contain a form on which the field data (head, well radius, screen length, etc.) could be recorded. The form can be accompanied by some simple graphics where field data to be measured (Figure 4.23) or equipment to be used (Figure 4.20) are sketched. (Naturally, the content of the notebook sheet is also defined by the method used). Most of the sheets should contain a local scale map with locations of already conducted and planned investigations; an (orientational) regional scale map could be included as well (Figure 4.23). The notebook prints should be taken along to the investigated sites.
Theoretical background – mathematics
Published in P. Novak, V. Guinot, A. Jeffrey, D.E. Reeve, Hydraulic Modelling – an Introduction, 2010
P. Novak, V. Guinot, A. Jeffrey, D.E. Reeve
To illustrate the need for initial conditions, consider the steady radial flow of water in a discharging well, with r the radial distance from the borehole, q(r) the total radial discharge as a function of r, w the steady water production rate per unit volume, and b the thickness of a confined aquifer. If h0 is the pre-pumping static water height underground, and h(r) is the hydraulic head at radius r during pumping, both measured from the bottom of the aquifer, then h0 − h(r) > 0 is the drawdown at radius r due to pumping. Assuming that q(r) = − Tdh/dr, with T a transmission constant depending on the aquifer, then h(r) satisfies the second-order variable coefficient linear ODE () d2hdr2+1rdhdr=−wbK,
Coupling of Electromagnetic Fields into Biological Systems
Published in James C. Lin, Electromagnetic Fields in Biological Systems, 2016
The magnitude of the transmitted pulses in both humans and animals for the typical EMP shown in Figure 1.16 with peak electric field strength of 50 kV/m is shown in Figures 1.17 and 1.18. It can be seen that the peak transmitted pulse amplitude in a spherical head of radius 10 cm is 735 V/m, obtained from Figure 1.17, and occurs at the leading surface. For a brain sphere of radius 3.5 cm, the corresponding transmitted pulse amplitude is 472 V/m (see Figure 1.18).
A review of hybrid renewable energies optimisation: design, methodologies, and criteria
Published in International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 2023
Olalekan Kunle Ajiboye, Chimere Victor Ochiegbu, Eric Antwi Ofosu, Samuel Gyamfi
Hydroelectric power () generated by the turbine is given as. where , , , , , , , , , R, A, are discharged at a site(m3/s), scaling function, gauge catchment area (m2), discharge at the gauge, power plant catchment area (m2), water density(1000kg/m3), turbine hydraulic efficiency, acceleration due to gravity (10ms-2), flow rate, head, the radius of the hydraulic turbine blade (m), swept area of the rotor(m2) and angular speed of rotor respectively (Acakpovi, Hagan, and Xavier Fifatin 2014; Bhandari et al. 2014; Márquez, Molina, and Pacas 2010; Ramey and Skooglund 1970).
Hypoalgesia following isometric handgrip exercise with and without blood flow restriction is not mediated by discomfort nor changes in systolic blood pressure
Published in Journal of Sports Sciences, 2022
Jun Seob Song, Yujiro Yamada, Vickie Wong, Zachary W. Bell, Robert W. Spitz, Takashi Abe, Jeremy P. Loenneke
Pressure pain threshold was measured using a hand-held pressure algometer (Baseline 12–0304, Fabrication Enterprises Inc., White Plains, NY, USA). The pressure pain threshold was first measured on the exercising arm (local) and then measured on the ipsilateral lower limb (non-local). For the local site, pressure pain threshold was measured at the anterior aspect of the participant’s forearm at 30% of the distance between the head of radius and styloid process of ulna. For the non-local site, the pain threshold was taken on tibialis anterior at 30% of the distance between the head and lateral malleolus of fibula. The circular probe of the algometer (1cm2) was placed perpendicularly against the skin, and applied at an approximate rate of 0.1 kg/cm2 per second. This measurement was performed by the same investigator throughout the study, and a metronome (audible only to the investigator) was used to standardize the rate of pressure application [absolute reliability (SD of difference x 1.96) of 0.5 kg/cm2 for local site and 0.62 kg/cm2 for non-local site]. Participants were instructed to say “stop” when the sensation changed from pressure to pain (Chesterton et al., 2003; Ylinen et al., 2005). Pressure pain threshold was measured immediately before and after exercise set 1, 2 and 3 (i.e., not during muscle contraction). Following set 4, blood pressure was first measured and followed by pressure pain threshold measurement. Pain threshold was measured again at 5-minutes post exercise. Pressure pain threshold was measured in a time-matched manner during the control visit.
Investigation into the error compensation method of the surface form based on feed rate optimization in deterministic polishing
Published in Machining Science and Technology, 2020
Cheng Fan, Yucheng Xue, Lei Zhang, Qizhi Zhao, Yao Lu, Qian Wang
The polishing machine and the measuring equipment are shown in Figure 5. An aluminum flat workpiece with 20 × 60 mm size was used in the polishing experiment. As shown in Figure 5c, the polishing tool was spherical felt head with radius of 9 mm. As shown in Figure 5a, the ceria was added in the polishing slurry, the polishing slurry was put into the vessel, and the workpiece was dipped into the slurry. As shown in Figure 6, the polishing path was a linear reciprocating path, the polishing feed rate at the dwell point xis was vi, and the spacing between adjacent polishing paths was ΔL.