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Toxicity of organic solvents
Published in Chris Winder, Neill Stacey, Occupational Toxicology, 2004
There is good correlation between the clinical observations and the observed experimental pathology. The disease process is well defined with a gradual onset and initial findings in the lower extremities. There is a swelling of the axons, demyelination and degeneration of the nerve fibres of the peripheral nervous system. Once removed from exposure to n-hexane there is generally a recovery but it may take months or years. The biotransformation of n-hexane is an essential component in the eventual expression of toxicity. This was outlined in Figure 14.2.
Risk Characterization
Published in Elizabeth L. Anderson, Roy E. Albert, RISK ASSESSMENT and INDOOR AIR QUALITY, 2019
Risk assessment began inadvertently. In the mid-1970s, the EPA was heavily criticized by the scientific community and industry because of the attempt by its lawyers to reach general agreement on a rigid set of criteria for carcinogenic properties, called cancer principles, in order to shorten the legal hearing process (Albert 1994). The EPA decided, as a response to this criticism, on a policy that called for balancing risks and benefits as the basis for regulation. This, in turn, required guidelines on how to go about evaluating health risks of suspected carcinogens. The guidelines divided the assessment process into a qualitative (hazard) assessment and a quantitative (dose–response–exposure) assessment. Both components required a variety of disciplines:chemistry for the basic properties and modes of interaction;detoxification processes;biochemical defense mechanisms;pharmacokinetic behavior according to the route of exposure;genetics for the genotoxic interactions with somatic and germ cells;experimental pathology for the outcomes of animal bioassay;epidemiology for human studies;engineering for characterization of environmental transport and exposure; andbiostatistics for evaluation of all of the component parts of the assessment and particularly the dose–response relationships.
Electrical Brain Stimulation to Treat Neurological Disorders
Published in Bahman Zohuri, Patrick J. McDaniel, Electrical Brain Stimulation for the Treatment of Neurological Disorders, 2019
Bahman Zohuri, Patrick J. McDaniel
The followings are a list of advantages of TMS therapy as well, and they are: TES therapy is a type of transcranial electrotherapy stimulation (TES) which uses the noninvasive and drug-free method of treatment that applies small electric currents to electrodes placed on a patient’s head.TES therapy selectively activates the defense mechanisms of the brain thus increasing the ability of neural cells to produce endorphins and serotonin. The increased level of these neurotransmitters in blood and brain provides multiple beneficial effects of the TES therapy.TES therapy is a registered scientific discovery of transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain defense mechanisms made at the TES center of I. P. Pavlov Physiology Institute of RAS and put into practice.TES therapy is one of the few if not the only physiotherapeutic method developed along with the meticulous practice of evidence-based medicine. That’s what makes a fundamental difference between TES therapy and other types of transcranial electrotherapy stimulation introduced before (electric anesthesia, electro-sleep, electroanalgesia).TES therapy is a result of reasonable task assignment and systematic experimental justification of the optimal mode of electrical stimulation. The experimental justification is based on the latest research methods (nuclear magnetic resonance, immunocytochemistry, auto-radiography, etc.) used in accordance with Good Laboratory Practice principles. TES therapy’s main areas of clinical use are primarily determined in studies on experimental pathology models.TES therapy has a wide range of therapeutic effects (see Indications). Their clinical efficiency in different types of diseases was evaluated in accordance with the principles of Good Clinical Practice and Good Statistical Practice (randomized trials, double-blind trials).TES therapy is practically free of side effects, with only very few contraindications.TES therapy is an economically viable method due to its high therapeutic effectiveness which helps to considerably cut down on medication costs, reduce the need for hospitalization and duration of inpatient treatment.TES therapy is realized in a number of TRANSAIR devices that differ in capabilities and service functions and can be used at inpatient hospitals, outpatient clinic rooms, in the field conditions and at home.
Toxicity and occupational exposure assessment for hydroprocessed esters and fatty acids (HEFA) alternative jet fuels
Published in Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 2020
Teresa R. Sterner, Brian A. Wong, Karen L. Mumy, R. Arden James, James Reboulet, Darol E. Dodd, Richard C. Striebich, David R. Mattie
Each rat was weighed within 2 days after arrival, at randomization, twice weekly, and at necropsy. Food and water consumption was measured during the 2-day break between exposure weeks for rats in the 10-day exposure group. The morning following the final exposure or the recovery period, necropsies were performed, including gross examination and collection of wet weights for adrenal glands, kidneys and liver for all 160 rats. Prior to preserving lung tissue, the right caudal lobe of the lung was removed and placed in RNA preservative for a cytokine screen. Histology slides were prepared and examined microscopically at Experimental Pathology Laboratories, Inc. (EPL, RTP, NC). Tissue sections examined included the nasal airways (6 sections), trachea, larynx, lung (whole left lobe), liver (left and median lobe), kidney (right and left), spleen, adrenals (right and left), heart and any gross lesions. The nasal cavities were sectioned according to Morgan (1991; Figure 1). Histological tissue sections were evaluated via light microscopy by a board-certified pathologist. Lung right cranial lobes from 5 HEFA-F exposed and 5 control animals were stained with Gomori methenamine silver (GMS) and gram stains to screen for fungal and bacterial infections, respectively.