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An Overview of the Effect of Graphene as a Metal Protector Against Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC)
Published in Hatem M.A. Amin, Ahmed Galal, Corrosion Protection of Metals and Alloys Using Graphene and Biopolymer Based Nanocomposites, 2021
Reza Javaherdashti, Rahil Sarjahani
In absence of oxygen, anaerobic bacteria, especially Desulfovibrio4 and Desulfotomaculum, are common. Desulfovibrio salixigens requires at least 2.5% concentration of sodium chloride, but D. vulgaris and D. desulfuricans can grow in both fresh and salt water. D. africanus is another common corrosion-causing microorganism. The Desulfotomaculum genus comprises sulfate-reducing spore-forming bacteria; Dtm. orientis and Dtm. nigrificans are involved in corrosion processes. Sulfate-reducers require reducing environment; thus, an electrode potential lower than −100 mV is required for them to thrive. However, even a small amount of produced hydrogen sulfide can achieve this shift, so the growth, once started, tends to accelerate. Layers of anaerobic bacteria can exist in the inner parts of the corrosion deposits, while the outer parts are inhabited by aerobic bacteria. For more details, the readers are encouraged to read a comprehensive book by R. Javaherdashti on MIC [2]. Some bacteria are able to utilize hydrogen formed during cathodic corrosion processes. Bacterial colonies and deposits can form concentration cells, causing and promoting galvanic corrosion [4].
Anoxic Prokaryotes
Published in Volodymyr Ivanov, Environmental Microbiology for Engineers, 2020
The functions of anaerobic chemotrophic Gram-positive anaerobic respiring bacteria in engineering systems are similar to the functions of Gram-negative, chemotrophic, anoxic bacteria, that is, to perform reductions of sulfate, nitrate, Fe(III), and other metals. Sulfate-reducing bacteria in this group are classified in the genus Desulfotomaculum. They form heat-resistant endospores and use organic acids and alcohols as electron donors. The Desulfitobacterium genus is an important group of bacteria used for anaerobic dechlorination of such xenobiotics as chlorinated phenols, chlorinated ethenes, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The species of the Desulfosporosinus genus may be important in the bioremediation of groundwater contaminated with benzene, toluene ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX compounds). Bacillus infernus is an anaerobic species that is able to reduce Fe(III) and Mn (VI) using formate or lactate.
Role of Bacteria on Pyrite Oxidation
Published in V. P. (Bill) Evangelou, and Its Control, 2018
In the natural environment, dissimilatory sulfate-reducing bacteria grow at temperatures between 0 and 70°C. Desulfovibrio spp. grow between 0 and 44°C with optimum growth occurring between 25 and 30°C. Desulfotomaculum spp. prefer higher temperatures (30–70°C) with optimum growth occurring between 35 and 55°C (Ehrlich, 1981). Sulfate reduction is thought to cease when the pH drops below 4 (Wakao et al., 1979). Mixed cultures of sulfate-reducing bacteria and heterotrophic bacteria can become established in solutions with an initial pH as low as 2.7 (Wakao et al., 1979), but sulfate reduction does not commence until the pH rises above 4.
Field-scale bioremediation of arsenic-contaminated groundwater using sulfate-reducing bacteria and biogenic pyrite
Published in Bioremediation Journal, 2018
Ming-Kuo Lee, James A. Saunders, Theodore Wilson, Eric Levitt, Shahrzad Saffari Ghandehari, Prakash Dhakal, James Redwine, Justin Marks, Zeki M. Billor, Brian Miller, Dong Han, Luxin Wang
The changes in concentrations of the total SRB (SRB) aqueous slurry samples were determined through real-time PCR by targeting the apsA gene. Results showed that while the concentrations of SRB present in the pre-injection samples were below the limit of detection (1.01 Log10 copies/µl), samples of both injection wells and monitoring wells (M1, M2, I1 and I2) contained significantly higher amount of SRB for at least 2 months after injection (Figure S2 in Supplementary Material). The concentrations of SRB DNA in those samples reach approximately 3 Log10 copies/µl. Quantitative PCR analysis confirmed that SRB activities were enhanced by amendment of organic carbon. Our method detects the adenosine-5'-phosphosulfate and the results show Desulfovibrio spp., Desulfotomaculum spp. and other soil-rich SRB could be the functional SRB in the samples.
Treatment of acid rock drainage using a sulphate-reducing bioreactor with a limestone precolumn
Published in Environmental Technology, 2023
Gabriela Méndez, Gabriel Trueba, Reyes Sierra-Alvarez, Valeria Ochoa-Herrera
Molecular analysis of the microbial community present in the sulphate-reducing bioreactor during the first period of operation (Period I) indicated that the predominant sequences of methanogens corresponded to Methanosarcina and Methanosaeta, while the SRB species responsible for sulphate reduction utilizing acetate as electron donor were probably Desulfotomaculum intricatum and Desulfotomaculum acetoxidans.