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Validity of Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry for Body Composition Analysis
Published in Philip D. Bust, Contemporary Ergonomics 2006, 2020
J.A. Wallace, K. George, T. Reilly
Body composition, especially the body fat component is important in the assessment of nutritional status, disease risk, health, athlete assessment and the effectiveness of interventions in physical fitness programmes. Many institutions conducting assessment of athletes are using more in-depth methods that offer measures of lean mass and bone density in addition to body fat, such as dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). This approach is growing in its application and is fast becoming a preferred method of body composition analysis. Hydrodensitometry is considered as the gold standard, criterion method for determining percent body fat. The use of DEXA to determine adiposity has gained popularity, yet the validity and reliability of this method have yet to be determined. The purpose of this study was to validate whole-body measures of % body fat using fan-beam DEXA scans by comparing them with values derived from hydrodensitometry using both measured and predicted residual volume (RV) in women.
Cellular Level Water Distribution and Its Investigation Techniques
Published in M. Azharul Karim, Chung-Lim Law, Intermittent and Nonstationary Drying Technologies, 2017
Chung-Lim Law, Md. Imran H. Khan, R. Mark Wellard, Md. Mahiuddin, M. Azharul Karim
Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is a very simple and established technique for measuring body composition. It measures the resistance of tissues to the flow of electrical current. The proportion of different components in tissue can be calculated as the current flows more easily through the parts of the material that are composed mostly of water. Using this method many researchers have examined the morphological behaviour in different biological tissues, for instance, the level of injury due to freeze–thaw cycles in potato (Zhang et al. 1990), estimating the extent of bruising in apples (Cox et al. 1993), assessing the maturity of nectarine (Dejmek and Miyawaki 2002) and examining the effect of drying and freezing–thawing treatments on eggplants, tubers and carrot roots (Wu et al. 2008).
Basic Concepts
Published in P. Arpaia, U. Cesaro, N. Moccaldi, I. Sannino, Non-Invasive Monitoring of Transdermal Drug Delivery, 2022
P. Arpaia, U. Cesaro, N. Moccaldi, I. Sannino
The study of body composition through bioimpedance techniques has aroused more and more interest not only for the clinical world, including nutrition and sports, but in all fields whose main goal is the achievement of a healthy lifestyle. The advantages of this method are highlighted by the speed of execution, safety and reduced impact on healthcare costs. In clinical practice, the primary purpose of body composition measurements is the evaluation of lean mass, and fat mass to assess nutritional status.
Fuelling the female athlete: Carbohydrate and protein recommendations
Published in European Journal of Sport Science, 2022
Daniel R. Moore, Jennifer Sygo, James P. Morton
Understanding energy requirements of female athletes is of importance not only for health and performance but also for its influence on macronutrient metabolism and requirements. Energy intake relative to expenditure influences not only body mass but also body composition, which may be relevant to sport performance. Intentional manipulation of energy balance may be used to augment lean mass or reduce fat mass, which may in turn influence strength, speed, or power-to-weight ratio. While careful adjustment of energy intake has the potential to enhance performance, extended periods of diminished energy intake may pose risks to health and performance associated with low energy availability (see Heikura et al in this issue). In addition, suboptimal energy intake may also compromise the ability to meet optimal CHO targets and can increase dietary protein requirements, as detailed below. Thus, matching energy intake to energy requirements should be a cornerstone for performance nutrition and optimal macronutrient intake.
Key somatic variables in young backstroke swimmers
Published in Journal of Sports Sciences, 2019
Senda Sammoud, Alan Michael Nevill, Yassine Negra, Raja Bouguezzi, Chaabene Helmi, Younés Hachana
Assessment of athletes’ physique can provide valuable insights into the relationship between somatic characteristics and sports performance. When expensive, sophisticated equipment such as Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) is impractical or unavailable, human physique assessment offers a wealth of alternative information that can be used to identify key characteristics associated with elite performance. Human physique consists of the three distinct but interrelated somatic components of body size, structure and composition (Nevill, Tsiotra, Tsimeas, & Koutedakis, 2009). Body size refers to the physical magnitude of the body and its segments (stature, mass, surface area, etc). Body structure or shape describes the distribution of body parts expressed as ratios, such as the body mass index (BMI), the inverse ponderal index or the head length-to-body length (exclusive of head) ratio. Body composition consists of the amount of various constituents in the body such as fat, muscle, bone, etc.
Improvement of cellular health indicators and muscle quality in older women with different resistance training volumes
Published in Journal of Sports Sciences, 2018
Paolo M. Cunha, Crisieli M. Tomeleri, Matheus A. do Nascimento, João Pedro Nunes, Melissa Antunes, Hellen C. G. Nabuco, Ygor Quadros, Edilaine F. Cavalcante, Jerry L. Mayhew, Luís B. Sardinha, Edilson S. Cyrino
This investigation was carried out over a period of 16 weeks. The first two and last two weeks were used to measure anthropometric dimensions, one repetition maximum tests (1RM), and body composition by bioelectrical impedance (BIA) and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). The other twelve weeks were designed for the RT program. The CON did not perform any type of physical exercise during this period.