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Chest imaging
Published in Sarah McWilliams, Practical Radiological Anatomy, 2011
o An extra fissure may occasionally divide a lung. It is important to know this radiologically so as not to confuse lines on a chest radiograph with a pneumothorax. In the azygos lobe, seen in 1% of people, the azygos vein arches over the lung apex, not the hilum, and isolates the medial part of the lung. This has four layers of pleura and the course of the azygos vein through the lung can be seen on CT. Just as the vein is about to pierce the superior vena cava (SVC) the vein may mimic a soft-tissue chest nodule (Fig. 3.8).
Mediastinal lymph nodes segmentation using 3D convolutional neural network ensembles and anatomical priors guiding
Published in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, 2023
David Bouget, André Pedersen, Johanna Vanel, Haakon O. Leira, Thomas Langø
To quantify and fully appreciate the effect of anatomical priors guiding on the pixel-wise segmentation performance rather than just visually, a supplementary analysis has been completed. The Dice scores between a model prediction and each of the four organs making the anatomical priors are reported in Table 4. Reported scores are predominantly lower for the two experiments making use of the priors when compared with the other two experiments. Without the use of priors, the slab-wise approach seems to fair better, with twice as low scores, than the full volume approach (cf. experiments (i) and (ii)). The higher spatial resolution from the slab-wise approach being surely profitable to distinguish between similar-looking voxels belonging to different anatomical structures. The benefit is even more apparent for over the oesophagus and azygos vein, with a drastic reduction in false-positive segmentation (cf. experiments (ii) and (iii)).