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Pulmonary Vascular Mechanobiology
Published in Jiro Nagatomi, Eno Essien Ebong, Mechanobiology Handbook, 2018
Diana M. Tabima Martinez, Naomi C. Chesler
Adequate supply of oxygen to tissues via blood flow is a requirement for survival. These oxygen demands change throughout growth and development and with physiological adaptation in adult life. The blood flow circuit that facilitates the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the alveolar spaces of the lung is the pulmonary circulation. The right ventricle ejects deoxygenated blood into the pulmonary arterial trunk, which then bifurcates into the left and right main (extralobar) pulmonary arteries. These branch into increasingly smaller arteries within the lung parenchyma (intralobar arteries) that ultimately feed the capillaries. The intralobar pulmonary arteries can be classified sequentially according to their position in the lung. The first generation intrapulmonary arteries are termed segmental arteries; they accompany the bronchi (large airways) and each supply approximately 20 bronchopulmonary segments in humans. The next smaller arteries are termed intra-acinar which accompany the terminal bronchioles that supply the airspaces of the lung or acini. The intra-acinar arteries branch into the microcirculation, which consists of precapillaries, capillaries and postcapillaries.23 Anatomically and functionally, the pulmonary microcirculation is like two membranes or sheets, separating airspaces above and below from a central blood-filled region. Upon leaving the pulmonary microcirculation, blood is collected by the pulmonary venules, which anastamose into the pulmonary veins, which in turn terminate in the left atrium of the heart.
General Introductory Topics
Published in Vadim Backman, Adam Wax, Hao F. Zhang, A Laboratory Manual in Biophotonics, 2018
Vadim Backman, Adam Wax, Hao F. Zhang
Epithelium is primarily composed of contiguous epithelial cells. There are two parallel classification schemes: macroscopic and microscopic. Macroscopic epithelia are divided into the membranous (or tissue layer) epithelia, which line all (with no exceptions) surfaces of the body, and the secretory epithelia. The latter are further subdivided into exocrine and endocrine. The exocrine glands are formed by contiguous layers of epithelial cells that form acini, which secrete in a lumen with secretions directed toward the cell's apical surface, which faces the lumen. Endocrine glands, on the other hand, secrete into blood or lymph, and the secretion is directed toward the cell's basolateral surface.
Arsenals of Pharmacotherapeutically Active Proteins and Peptides: Old Wine in a New Bottle
Published in Debarshi Kar Mahapatra, Swati Gokul Talele, Tatiana G. Volova, A. K. Haghi, Biologically Active Natural Products, 2020
The pancreas is located behind and below the stomach transversely. The pancreas is both an exocrine and an endocrine gland. The pancreas is made of acini (exocrine in function) and islets of Langerhans (endocrine in function). Islets of Langerhans have three types of cells: α cells which produce glucagon;β cells which produce insulin; andδ cells which produce somatostatin [1].
In silico investigation of the effect of particle diameter on deposition uniformity in pulmonary drug delivery
Published in Aerosol Science and Technology, 2023
Hyunhong J. Min, Eleanor P. Stride, Stephen J. Payne
The breath-holding duration was shown to dramatically increase deposition in the acini. A similar pattern between whole lung deposition and acini deposition was observed (Figure 5c,d). This was expected because breathing-holding is known to have a marginal effect on tracheobronchial deposition (Inthavong et al. 2010), and this is shown in Figure 5a,b. Therefore, further analysis of tracheobronchial deposition was not conducted. It was observed that the effect of breath-holding is different for different particle sizes (Figure 5c). For instance, acini deposition of 0.1 µm particles increases less with increasing breath-holding time than that of 1.5 µm particles (Figure 5c). The increase in spacing between the contours in the y-axis for 0.1 µm particles in Figure 5c suggests that they become less sensitive to changes in breath-holding time as it increases. On the other hand, Figure 5c also suggests that deposition rate of 1.5 µm particles does not decrease with breath-holding time.
Synthesis, biological activity and toxicity of chromium(III) metformin complex as potential insulin-mimetic agent in C57BL/6 mice
Published in Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2018
Jinlong Dong, Bin Liu, Gang Liang, Binsheng Yang
In Figure 5, pancreas histology sections of C57 mice treated orally with Met and CrMet complex were normal pancreatic acini and ducts cell structures, but tissue edema and inflammatory reaction was not observed. Both control and Met group with normal pancreas exocrine, endocrine department structure and many collecting tubules were normal. CrMet group exhibited secretory protein liquid in the pancreatic duct with normal architecture.
Bio-inspired multifunctional zinc oxide nanoparticles by leaf extract of Andrographis serpilifolia and their enhanced antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antidiabetic activity—a 3-in-1 system
Published in Particulate Science and Technology, 2022
Venkata S. Kotakadi, Susmila Aparna Gaddam, Peddana Kotha, Rajesekhar Allagadda, Appa Rao Ch., Sai Gopal D. V. R.
In Figure 8(d). Effect of As-ZnONPs in the histopathology of the Liver revealed that control rats showed histological features, the hepatocytes are radially arranged with well-defined nucleoli and the prominent nuclei of von Kupffer cells were also observed. Whereas in diabetic control rats showed almost radially arranged hepatocytes and also increase in apoptotic hepatocytes which are shrunken and dark-stained cells with small degenerated nuclei. The histological features of liver tissue taken from the As-ZnONPs treated rats showed almost normal hepatic structure with radially arranged hepatocytes and absence of any degenerated apoptotic cells. The von Kupffer cells are similar to those of the control group. In conclusion, the liver tissue showed almost normal radially arranged hepatocytes, which looked lively and healthy with active vesicular nuclei similar to those observed in the control group. The histological observation of the pancreas shows that in Pancreas the pancreatic section in control rats showed normal acini and normal cells of islets of Langerhans. whereas the pancreatic cells were damaged with the stimulation of streptozotocin, which is clear from the slide of the STZ-induced rats showing severe necrotic changes of pancreatic islets. Rats treated and fed with As-ZnONPs were very similar to a normal section of the pancreas without any changes. Rats treated and fed with As-ZnONPs have a regenerative effect on the normal cellular size of islets of pancreatic tissue when compared to diabetic rats. In kidney tissues in the control rats showed normal glomeruli surrounded by the Bowman’s capsule, proximal and distal convoluted tubules without any changes. Whereas Diabetic rats showed degenerated glomeruli infiltrated by the inflammatory cells and thickening of the basement membrane. Rats treated and fed with As-ZnONPs have normal structures. Rats fed with As-ZnONPs showed topographies of healing with normal glomeruli, absence of inflammatory cells, normal basement membrane, capillaries, decrease in the mucopolysaccharide, and hyaline deposit. The tissue necrosis was also lessened in the group treated with As-ZnONPs. These results demonstrate that the As-ZnONPs possess a potent hypoglycemic effect in STZ-induced diabetic rats.