Taylor & Francis Group’s journal program provides a home for validated, trusted research from the world’s brightest and best minds. Our approach to publishing has a human-centered focus and we believe that, properly harnessed, the research that we curate has the power to transform lives for the better.
We publish research papers on a range of platforms, and along the way, we make it easy for authors to Choose Open from our current and growing range of open research options.
- Taylor & Francis Online brings together over 2,700 journals, including the world’s largest program of Social Science and Humanities journals published by Routledge; cutting-edge theoretical and applied Science, Technology and Medicine content from Taylor & Francis; and CogentOA, a suite of broad-spectrum open access journals. Journals on this platform support open access and more traditional subscription routes to publication.
- Dove Medical Press are open access specialists with a focus on publishing medicine in a suite of peer-reviewed journals.
- F1000Research is an open access platform that is challenging thinking on how research should be published. Its philosophy encourages authors to publish all findings including null results, data notes and more. The F1000 Research workflow is transparent end-to-end and allows authors to engage with reviewers openly and transparently.
The goal of all of these programs is to accelerate the impact of trusted research with a range of best-in-class journals, services and technologies.
To read articles that require a subscription through your institution’s library when you’re off campus, visit the Taylor & Francis Online Help Center to get set up with remote access.