Your book (whether print and/or open access) will be marketed and sold worldwide. We have sales representatives spanning the globe who work with libraries, bookstores, academics, professionals, and third-party retailers to get the word out about your book and a global marketing team who specialise in reaching specific markets.
How we promote your book
There are many things happening behind the scenes for all books we publish.
There are many ways Taylor & Francis market your print and/or open access book to ensure that it gets into the hands of the right customer. We have created a marketing guide to showcase the promotional opportunities Taylor & Francis has to offer you as an author. In this guide you will learn more about the following:
- Building online discoverability – find out how we build your book’s online discoverability through data-driven advertising with major online retailers and ensure they are available on major websites, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Blackwells and Book Depository.
- Our digital marketing strategies – learn more about how we promote your book through customer-focused email marketing campaigns, social media, adverts and inbound marketing.
- Reviews – we receive reviews from individuals around the globe which then serve as testimonials and add perceived value to your book. When available, reviews will appear on your book’s landing page on our websites and may be used in the marketing of your book.
- Author support – find out how we can support you with self-promotion through book reviews, book launch ideas and events promotion.

How you can promote your book
Our most effective promotions happen when we partner with enthusiastic book authors and editors like you.
Some examples of how you can promote your book are below.
Featured authors
The Featured Authors community is an essential element of our integrated marketing program. It gives your audience highly visual, engaging information about you and your work in a personal and interactive setting. This ground-breaking web portal enhances your online presence, creates buzz about your book, increases discoverability, and allows you to connect more easily with your audience. We highly encourage you to participate. You can find more information about how to set up your profile here.
Social media
Social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) are great tools to engage users, share free content, and generate interest in your book. There are a number of ways you, as a book author or editor, can help to promote your book using social media, including:
- Announce on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media sites – including academic-based ones like ResearchGate,, ORCID, and ResearcherID – that your book is publishing.
- Link to your book’s landing page when mentioning your title on social media.
- Mention any blog posts related to your book.
- Use hashtags that are applicable to the book’s themes.
- Post about events you are attending.
For more information on how to make the most of your social media networks, please download our free resources on social media, Facebook, Twitter and/or LinkedIn, which are all packed full of useful hints and tips.
Encourage your colleagues and peers to go to Amazon, give your book the stars it deserves, and write comments on their thoughts after reading your book. Comments are very helpful to individuals when considering a purchase, so encourage comments that state what the book provides for the reader.
Additionally, you can maximize your book’s potential with Amazon’s Author Central. This free service provided by Amazon gives book authors and editors the ability to reach more readers, promote their books, and interact with the community. These all can translate into additional sales. Visit author central and click “Join Now” to get started.
FREE Author Support Resources
For help and top tips on how to promote your book