Portfolio by the numbers
Offering knowledge and research focused on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, disorder, and injury in animals, our Veterinary Medicine portfolio ranges from surgical research, to research into animal behaviour and psychology.
From books such as Clinical Medicine of the Dog and the Cat to Language Signs and Calming Signals of Horses, and journals such as the International Journal of Veterinary Science and Medicine , our collection explores theory and practice for students, practitioners and anyone working with animals.
International Journal of Veterinary Science and Medicine
International Journal of Veterinary Science and Medicine (the official journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University) is an international peer-reviewed, open access research publication covering all aspects of veterinary science. Each year, it continuously complies articles into a single volume.
Language Signs and Calming Signals of Horses
This practical book helps you interpret and connect the physical signals that horses display in response to their environment. These signals are evident in the everyday actions, gestures and attitudes that horses communicate to each other, but are often so subtle that they can go unnoticed by humans. This book aims to rectify that, offering horse lovers and equine professionals an opportunity to gain a unique insight into their 'horse's world'.
Clinical Medicine of the Dog and Cat
No other comprehensive small animal veterinary medicine book exists with a comparable amount of relevant illustrated material. This new third edition continues and expands on the revolutionary approach of the previous two editions, now including more than 1,850 highly valuable clinical colour photographs, diagrams, and tables. The book is now divided into five color-coded sections – General Approach, Disease of Specific Organ Systems, Multisystemic Disorders, Elements of Therapy and Case Studies.
Avian Medicine and Surgery in Practice
Avian Medicine and Surgery in Practice is an invaluable quick reference resource for clinicians and a useful study guide for veterinary students. In this practical and beautifully illustrated book, early chapters cover physical examination, advice on interpreting diagnostic tests, and avian anatomy and physiology. Disorders affecting the different body regions and systems make up the majority of the book from the external—skin, feathers, eyes, legs and feet—to the internal including the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system. Further aspects of avian medicine discussed in the book include behavioural problems, incubation of eggs, paediatrics and surgery.