Portfolio by the numbers
In partnership with societies such as the Society for Minimally Invasive Therapy, our Radiology portfolio offers high impact journals such asMinimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technologies and best-selling books such as Clark’s Positioning in Radiography, now in it’s 13th edition.
Exploring a variety of imaging techniques such as Diagnostic Imaging, Magnetic Resonance and Nuclear Medicine, our Radiology books and journals aim to help students and practitioners use medical imaging to research, diagnose and treat diseases.
International Journal of Radiation Biology
International Journal of Radiation Biology publishes peer reviewed research on the biological effects of all types of radiation including medical application. The journal provides a platform for the study of the biological effects of ionizing, UV and visible radiation, accelerated particles, electromagnetic fields, ultrasound, heat and related modalities.
Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine
Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, publishes peer-reviewed research articles on the biological effects and medical applications of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (from extremely-low frequency to radiofrequency).
Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technologies
Highlighting the latest developments and innovations in minimally invasive therapy, the journal provides an international forum for endoscopic surgeons, interventional radiologists and industrial instrument manufacturers.
Nuclear Technology
Nuclear Technology aims to be the leading international publication reporting new information on the practical application of nuclear science for peaceful uses. We publish technical papers, technical notes, critical reviews, rapid communications, book reviews, and letters to the editor on all phases of applications of fundamental research to nuclear technology.
Clark's Positioning in Radiography 13E
First published in 1939, Clark’s Positioning in Radiography is the preeminent text on positioning technique for diagnostic radiographers. Whilst retaining the clear and easy-to-follow structure of the previous edition, the thirteenth edition includes a number of changes and innovations in radiographic technique. The text has been extensively updated, including a new section on evaluating images, The 10-point plan, which is linked throughout to a listing of Essential image characteristics for each procedure.
Clark's Pocket Handbook for Radiographers
Drawn from the bestselling Clark's Positioning in Radiography, this pocket handbook provides clear and practical advice to help radiographers in their day-to-day work. Designed for rapid reference, it covers how to position the patient and the central ray, describes the essential image characteristics and illustrates each radiographic projection with a positioning photograph and a radiograph.
Human Sectional Anatomy
First published in 1991, Human Sectional Anatomy set new standards for the quality of cadaver sections and accompanying radiological images. Now in its fourth edition, this unsurpassed quality remains and is further enhanced by the addition of new material.