Portfolio by the numbers
Including books and journals such as the Journal of Dermatological Treatment and Handbook of Systemic Drug Treatment in Dermatology and the Textbook of Chemical Peels, our Dermatology portfolio explores both the medical and surgical aspects of this discipline.
Offering texts and articles on diseases related to skin, hair, nails, and specialisms such as cutaneous oncology, wound healing and cosmetic dermatology, our Dermatology collection is the ideal companion to any students, researchers or practitioners of this branch of medicine.
OncoImmunology is a high-profile, open access journal of tumor immunology, examining the natural or therapy-induced recognition of cancers and the intricate interplay between oncogenesis, inflammation, and immunosurveillance.
Journal of Dermatological Treatment
A MEDLINE-indexed journal covering all aspects of the treatment of skin disease, including the use of topical and systematically administered drugs and other forms of therapy.
Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy
A unique journal that focuses on the application of cosmetic laser and light therapies on the skin. The Journal of Cosmetic & Laser Therapy provides a forum for stimulating and up-to-date studies demonstrating the wide range of therapeutic options for clinicians and surgeons involved in cosmetic and dermatological treatment.
Handbook of Systemic Drug Treatment in Dermatology
The Handbook of Systemic Drug Treatment in Dermatology helps prescribers and patients make rational decisions about drug treatment while considering known risks and potential unwanted effects.
Textbook of Chemical Peels
The Textbook of Chemical Peels is the definitive guide to all types of chemical peel treatments. It covers the practical application and scientific background for a wide variety of chemical peels.
Dermoscopy of the Hair and Nails
When the first edition of this pioneering text was published, only a few dermatologists were trained to utilize the dermatoscope for the diagnosis and follow-up of hair diseases.