Portfolio by the numbers
Our internationally recognised Humanities and Social Sciences portfolio is continually expanding and evolving to meet the needs of our readers studying within this field, offering unique collections from language & Literature, History and Religion, to Philosophy, Sociology & Social Policy, and Criminology.
From highly regarded books such as Human Behavior in the Social Environment to journals such as the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, and through partnerships with societies such as the Arts and Humanities Research Council, The Association for Social and Political Philosophy and the Association for Language Learning, our Humanities and Social Sciences publications aim to help students and researchers to access knowledge and understanding from across the field to enhance their own study and work.
Australian Archaeology
Australian Archaeology , the official publication of the Australian Archaeological Association Inc., is a refereed journal published since 1974.
Journal of Cultural Economy
Journal of Cultural Economy is concerned with the role played by various forms of material cultural practice in the organisation of the economy and the social, and the relations between them.
The History of the Family
The History of the Family: An International Quarterly makes a significant contribution by publishing works reflecting new developments in scholarship and by charting new directions in the historical study of the family.
British Civilization
Examining central structural features of British society, the book provides an introduction to British civilization that highlights its history of cultural, geographical and human diversity.
Media Theory for A Level
Media Theory for A Level provides a comprehensive introduction to the 19 academic theories required for A Level Media study.
Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies
The Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies remains the most authoritative reference work for students and scholars interested in engaging with the phenomenon of translation in all its modes and in relation to a wide range of theoretical and methodological traditions.