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Hallucinogens and Phencyclidine
Published in Frank Lynn Iber, Alcohol and Drug Abuse as Encountered in Office Practice, 2020
Psilocybin is obtained from a wild native U.S. mushroom. Its street form is as dried mushroom containing up to 30 mg of active drug. It is in every way nearly identical to LSD, Although a synthetic form is available, it is far more common for PCP or LSD to be substituted for the chemical powder. Psilocin is a similar chemical substance.
Hallucinogenic Agents
Published in Frank A. Barile, Barile’s Clinical Toxicology, 2019
The desirable pharmacological effects of psilocybin, and its more active metabolite psilocin, mimic those of LSD. A 20 mg dose of psilocin is equivalent to 100 μg of LSD. The effects, which last for about 3 h, begin with anxiety and nausea and then proceed to dream-like trances (with the inability to discern them from reality) and hallucinations. Trailer images, not unlike LSD, induce changes in color and shape perception.
Published in G. Hussein Rassool, Alcohol and Drug Misuse, 2017
Psilocybin (magic mushrooms) is the hallucinogenic chemical that occurs in more than 180 species of fresh or dried mushrooms. Psilocybin or psilocin mushrooms have a long history of use in Mexico and are one of the most available natural psychedelics. In its pure form, psilocybin is also a white powder, but it is usually sold as dried mushrooms or in substances made from mushrooms. International varieties are becoming more widely available through specialist shops and the Internet. Psilocybin is from the same chemical family as LSD so its effects are similar. They can be eaten fresh, cooked or brewed into a “tea”. It usually takes about 30 to 50 mushrooms to produce a hallucinogenic experience similar to that experienced with LSD. Physical effects of psilocybin are usually experienced within 20 minutes of ingestion and can last for six hours. Other hallucinogens include psilocybin (liberty cap mushrooms), Amanita Muscaria (fly agaric mushrooms) and mescaline which is derived from the peyote cactus.
Chemical Composition of Traditional and Analog Ayahuasca
Published in Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 2021
Helle Kaasik, Rita C. Z. Souza, Flávia S. Zandonadi, Luís Fernando Tófoli, Alessandra Sussulini
Moclobemide (a pharmaceutical MAOI antidepressant) and psilocin (a psychedelic compound contained in mushrooms of the genus Psilocybe) were qualitatively confirmed by chemical analyses in samples 15 and 25. These samples did not contain substantial concentrations of B. caapi alkaloids but had high concentrations of DMT (see Table 1). These samples were taken from ceremonies held in Europe by the same facilitator during two consecutive nights. The decoction was psychoactive at doses in the range 25−50 mL, but also caused a lot of vomiting and especially diarrhea. According to the organizer of the ceremonies, this brew contained Mimosa as the source of DMT, this was confirmed by detection of yuremamine.