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Analgesics during Pregnancy
Published in “Bert” Bertis Britt Little, Drugs and Pregnancy, 2022
Pentazocine is a narcotic analgesic used for relief of moderate to severe pain. Similar to other narcotics, it is associated with a risk of respiratory depression at high doses. Pentazocine crosses the placenta, but evidently not to the same extent as meperidine (Spielman, 1987).
Anesthesia and analgesia and the curse of Eve
Published in Michael J. O’Dowd, The History of Medications for Women, 2020
Known as fortral or talwin, pentazocine was first described in 1959. Filler and Filler (1966 p. 224) reported that 45 mg of the drug given intravenously during labor produced an acceptable degree of analgesia and did not affect the fetus to the same degree as pethidine. Despite its merits, pentazocine did not become popular in obstetrics.
Drugs Affecting the Musculoskeletal System
Published in Radhwan Nidal Al-Zidan, Drugs in Pregnancy, 2020
Risk Summary: The use of Pentazocine should be avoided, if possible, in pregnant women because the pregnancy experience in humans has shown a low risk of congenital birth defects associated with the use of this drug. Furthermore, its use near delivery is associated with a risk of neonatal respiratory depression.
Lidocaine 10% sprays versus oral diclofenac sodium for pain relief in women undergoing hysterosalpingography for infertility workup: A randomized clinical trial
Published in Alexandria Journal of Medicine, 2023
Ayodeji Idowu, Akintunde O Fehintola, Mopelola c Ashaleye, Oluwole E Ayegbusi, Akinyosoye D Ajiboye, Olusegun O Badejoko, Kayode O Ajenifuja, Morebise O Loto
Each patient was adequately counseled before the procedure and asked to make a mental note of her level of pain during cervical traction and contrast medium injection; the two painful steps of the procedure [7,8]. The patient was asked retrospectively to mark the pain scores at these two steps on the visual analog scale immediately after the procedure. The patient’s vital signs were monitored after the procedure. The pain score for delayed pain was marked on the visual analog scale by the patient 30 minutes after the procedure. Thereafter, the pain scores were measured on the visual analog scale regarding the distance on the scale by a research assistant. The patient was asked again if she was experiencing any symptoms that may be suggestive of possible side effects of these two drugs. Patients in both groups who experienced unbearable pain were given 30 mg of intramuscular pentazocine injection. The number of patients that required additional analgesics in both groups was compared and included in the final analysis. Patients that had pentazocine injections who were in the minority group were monitored in the observation room until they are fully awake before discharge. All patients were discharged in stable condition and were contacted on the mobile phone 24 hours after for any further adverse drug reactions.
Off-label use of pentazocine and the associated adverse events among pediatric surgical patients in a tertiary hospital in Northern Nigeria: a retrospective chart review
Published in Current Medical Research and Opinion, 2019
Kazeem A. Oshikoya, Ibrahim Abayomi Ogunyinka, Brian Godman
Following the abuse of pentazocine and its addiction in the United States in 1972, it was discontinued and later remarketed as pentazocine–acetaminophen and pentazocine–naloxone fixed combinations15. Prior to its discontinuation, pentazocine was used off-label to manage severe pain in children that may require an opioid analgesic and for which alternative treatments are inadequate16. Pentazocine was also used as a pre-operative or pre-anesthetic medication and as a supplement to surgical anesthesia in children. The pediatric dosing for analgesia was based on the limited pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data from earlier studies in children17,18 coupled with the safety data reported from a few clinical trial studies in children19,20. In the 1970s, children ≥1 year old were recommended 0.5 mg/kg IM/IV single dose pentazocine as a pre-operative or pre-anesthetic medication, while children 5–8 years were recommended pentazocine 15 mg IM/IV, every 6–8 h; and those ≥9 years received 30 mg IM/IV, every 6–8 h, as analgesics14,17. It is very likely that the current dosing regimen of pentazocine in resource-limited countries is still based on the safety data published earlier in high-income countries. To date no pharmacokinetic studies and safety data have emerged from LMICs to guide rational use of pentazocine for children. This is important given the potential AEs in children.
Ectopic localization of autophagosome in fatty liver is a key factor for liver regeneration
Published in Organogenesis, 2019
Yoshihiro Matsumoto, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Takeo Toshima, Kazuki Takeishi, Takasuke Fukuhara, Shinji Itoh, Toru Ikegami, Yuji Soejima, Masaki Mori
Six-week-old male C57BL/KsJ db/db mice, which have abnormal leptin receptors, were used as a model of liver steatosis and diabetes, and were purchased from CLEA Japan, Inc. (Tokyo, Japan). C57BL/KsJ m+/m+ mice were used as controls. All animals were acclimatized to the environment for 1 week before the experiment. Mice were anesthetized with ether and 70% PH was performed by removing the left lateral and median lobes after mid-ventral laparotomy.31,32 Anesthesia and analgesics were used for all surgical experiments to minimize any suffering of the mice. Mice were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection 0.1 mL/10 g (body weight) of medetomidine (1 mg/mL; 0.75 mL), midazolam (5 mg/mL; 2 mL), butorphanol (5 mg/mL; 2.5 mL), and distilled water (19.75 mL). Pentazocine (10 mg/kg) was used as a pain reliever. At the indicated times after hepatectomy, the mice were euthanized for blood and tissue collection by deep anesthesia using isoflurane. After excision, the liver weight-to-body weight ratio was measured, and liver specimens were stored in liquid nitrogen or fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde. The samples, including livers and blood, were collected from the mice at the indicated time points and pooled for the subsequent experiments. Serum concentrations of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) were measured.