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Experimental Strategies
Published in Clive R. Bagshaw, Biomolecular Kinetics, 2017
Gel-based electrophoretic methods are widely used to investigate interactions, both qualitatively and quantitatively. These assays are often employed to investigate high-affinity nucleic acid–protein interactions [332–334]. When run under conditions where the macromolecules retain their native structure, interactions with other molecules present in the gel usually shift their electrophoretic mobility. Two extreme regimes may be considered, as defined by their Damköhler number, Da [205,335]:
Specific and nonspecific binding of drug eluted from a half-embedded stent in presence of atherosclerotic plaque
Published in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2022
Akash Pradip Mandal, Prashanta Kumar Mandal
The influences of Damköhler number (or diffusivity as it is inversely related) in binding kinetics are portrayed in Figure 7(a,b). Predicted results show that the concentration of normalised mean nonspecific bound drug decreases with increasing Damköhler number, that is, with decreasing diffusivity of drug in both domains. For ten times lesser values of Damköhler number from baseline values Figure 7(a)). Figure 7(b) shows an early saturation of specific binding sites for lesser Damköhler number. Thus, the Damköhler number or the diffusivity of drug affects the saturation of binding sites to a great extent and the higher the diffusivity, the rapid the saturation of binding sites.
Effect of first order chemical reactions through tissue-blood interface on the partial pressure distribution of inhaled gas
Published in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2022
In the present study, we calculated partial pressure distribution through small diameter fine blood capillary which is surrounded by alveolar tissue (i.e. alveolar and pulmonary regions of the human lung). The boundary of capillary undergoes first-order linear kinetic reactions and assumed that the material of alveolar tissue is porous due to aging and various lung diseases (such as emphysema, asthma, and tuberculosis etc.). Short-time dispersion of partial pressure of gas exchange through tissue-blood interface is analyzed. The governing equations are solved numerically by using the finite difference method. So, the concluding remarks of the study are as follow:The second peak of the diffusion regime becomes more developed with a higher value of the Damkohler number (We found with convection, the solute is completely spread out in a finite time and gets it’s steady-state very rapidly.By increasing the value of porosity, partial pressure distribution decreases in tissue because of most of the gas transfer to the mobile phase.If the phase exchange rate is higher (ϵ) = 0.9, it needs more extended time to advanced toward a long-time dispersion.In the accompanying circumstances, the dispersion coefficient advanced toward its steady-state limit in a short time at absorption rate (Γ As the breathing rate increases the partial pressure of the gas inside tissue first decreases and after some time it increases gradually with breathing rate.Under the consideration of wall porosity or highly permeable wall, the convection speed is not changed but the diffusion of gas through tissue increases, which causes an increment in the partial pressure gradient of gas in the blood phase.