Optical Coherence Tomography of the Retinal Ganglion Cell Complex in Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy and Dominant Optic Atrophy
Published in Current Eye Research, 2019
Samuel Asanad, Jack J. Tian, Starleen Frousiakis, Jerry P. Jiang, Kaitlin Kogachi, Christian M. Felix, Darvizeh Fatemeh, Anne Gority Irvine, Anna Ter-Zakarian, Khalil Ghasemi Falavarjani, Piero Barboni, Rustum Karanjia, Alfredo A. Sadun
DOA shares a similar pattern of nerve fiber loss with LHON in the chronic stage. This classical pattern of RNFL loss associated with mitochondrial optic neuropathies clinically manifests as temporal optic disc pallor on fundus examination and corresponding central scotoma; both hallmarks of mitochondrial optic neuropathies.22,23 In acute LHON, there is a population of swollen axons that may either return to normal or die. In chronic LHON, the swelling has resolved but most axons have died.