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Biochemistry of Exercise Training: Effects on Bone
Published in Peter M. Tiidus, Rebecca E. K. MacPherson, Paul J. LeBlanc, Andrea R. Josse, The Routledge Handbook on Biochemistry of Exercise, 2020
Panagiota Klentrou, Rozalia Kouvelioti
Two types of bone are found in the body: cortical and trabecular bone. About 75–80% of the makeup of bones consists of compact tissue, while the remaining 20–25% is spongy tissue. Cortical tissue, which surrounds the marrow space of bones, comprises the strongest part of the bone and has supportive and protective properties (21). This type of bone tissue is dense, with well-defined periosteal and endosteal surfaces. The periosteum is the fibrous membrane, which covers the outer surfaces of bones (near the soft tissue), and the endosteum is the membrane that lines the internal cavities of bones (closer to the bone marrow). As a result of the low surface to volume ratio and small surface adjacent to the marrow, there is a low turnover rate in cortical bone (21), despite the cells along the portion of endosteal bone being metabolically active and involved in bone turnover. Cortical bone constantly remodels itself in response to changing mechanical and nonmechanical environmental signals and microdamage. The remodelling process in cortical bone consists of the removal of existing intracortical bone followed by the generation of new osteons (90).
Differential Diagnosis in Forensic Entomology: Mites versus Pathologies and Taphonomy
Published in Heather M. Garvin, Natalie R. Langley, Case Studies in Forensic Anthropology, 2019
César Sanabria-Medina, Luz Elena Cifuentes, Maria Alexandra Lopez-Cerquera
The remains were analyzed by an interdisciplinary team of six specialists: a forensic pathologist, two forensic anthropologists, a forensic odontologist, and two geneticists. An inventory and assessment of the biological profile indicated the presence of a single individual, consistent with the known profile of the decedent. DNA analyses confirmed the identity. Trauma analyses were carried out with a stereomicroscope and revealed perimortem injuries associated with gunshot trauma to the thorax. The medical examiner concluded that the cause of death was polytrauma due to gunshot wounds to the thorax and the manner of death was established as homicide. In addition, the skull had small rounded non-perforating injuries/bone lesions that varied in diameter. The edges of the lesions were thick, and their depth only reached the spongy tissue of the diploe. It was not immediately clear if these cranial defects were ante-, peri-, or postmortem in nature (see Figure 11.1).
Overview of Drug Development
Published in Mark Chang, John Balser, Jim Roach, Robin Bliss, Innovative Strategies, Statistical Solutions and Simulations for Modern Clinical Trials, 2019
Mark Chang, John Balser, Jim Roach, Robin Bliss
Bone-marrow is the spongy tissue inside the cavities of bones. Bone marrow stem cells grow and divide into the various types of blood cells: white-blood cells (leukocytes) that fight infection, red blood cells (erythrocytes) that transport oxygen, and platelets that are the agents for clotting.
Stromal-like Wilms tumor cells induce human Natural Killer cell degranulation and display immunomodulatory properties towards NK cells
Published in OncoImmunology, 2021
Claudia Cantoni, Martina Serra, Erica Parisi, Bruno Azzarone, Angela Rita Sementa, Luigi Aurelio Nasto, Lorenzo Moretta, Giovanni Candiano, Cristina Bottino, Gian Marco Ghiggeri, Grazia Maria Spaggiari
MSCs were derived from the spongy tissue of discarded bone fragments of seven pediatric patients undergoing surgery to correct major scoliosis at the Orthopedic Department of G. Gaslini Institute, as previously described.36 Cells were cultured with MesenPRO RS™ Medium supplemented with 2 mM L-Glutamine and used in the experiments after at least four expansion passages to ensure depletion of hematopoietic cells.
Anisotropic bone response based on FEM simulation and real micro computed tomography of bovine bone
Published in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2019
S. Wronski, J. Kaminski, A. Wit, J. Tarasiuk, P. Lipinski
Local isotropic and anisotropic material properties for spongy tissue were obtained using the model proposed by Zysset and Curnier (1995):