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Neuroanatomical Basis
Published in Fuad Lechin, Bertha van der Dijs, Neurochemistry and Clinical Disorders: Circuitry of Some Psychiatric and Psychosomatic Syndromes, 2020
Fuad Lechin, Bertha van der Dijs, Jose Amat, Marcel Lechin
The most rostral nucleus of the ventrally located raphe chain is the nucleus linearis (B9 cell group) which is located in the mesencephalon. The nucleus centralis superioris or MR nucleus (B8 cell group) is caudal to the former and possesses a mesencephalic and a pontine part. MR nucleus is ventral to DR and is separated by the decussation of brachii conjunctivi. Caudally to MR are located the pontine nucleus raphe pontis oralis (RPO) and the pontine-medullary RMg nucleus. RPO + RMg constitute the B3 cell group. The medullary raphe obscurus (RO) = B2 and raphe pallidus (RP) = B1 cell groups are the most caudally located 5HT nuclei integrating the ventral 5HT chain (see Figures 11 and 12).
DTI of Neurodegenerative Disorders
Published in Andrei I. Holodny, Functional Neuroimaging, 2019
Sumei Wang, John H. Woo, Elias R. Melhem
The pathological hallmark of PD is the selective loss of dopaminergic neurons projecting from the substantia nigra in the midbrain to the neostriatum. In MSA, pontine nuclei and middle cerebellar peduncles are severely involved, while, in PSP, the dentate nuclei and their outflow tracts, the superior cerebellar peduncles, are extensively damaged.
Published in Walter J. Hendelman, Peter Humphreys, Christopher R. Skinner, The Integrated Nervous System, 2017
Walter J. Hendelman, Peter Humphreys, Christopher R. Skinner
In Chapter 7, we saw that the coordination of movement required the participation of an integrative, feedback loop involving the motor cortex, the contralateral cerebellar hemisphere (via the pontine nuclei) and the ventral-lateral thalamic nucleus (thence back to motor cortex). Suffice it to say that there is an analogous circuit from the prefrontal area to different elements of the contralateral cerebellar hemisphere, returning via the dorsomedial thalamic nucleus.
Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements as a Biomarker for Mild Concussion within 7-Days of Injury
Published in Brain Injury, 2021
Melissa Hunfalvay, Nicholas P. Murray, Revathy Mani, Frederick Robert Carrick
Smooth pursuits can be further understood by considering the difference between HSP, VSP and CSP pathways. In HSPs, the signal originates in the M ganglion cells in the retina (23). From there, signals are relayed to the striate cortex (V1 area) and then to the V2, V3 and mid temporal (MT) areas. From the MT areas, the signal travels to the medial superior temporal (MST) and the frontal and posterior parietal cortex’s. The MT, MST and frontal eye field all share projections to the dorsolateral pontine nuclei (DLPN), which propagates the signal along a double decussation pathway before the contralateral medial rectus is innervated. Parallel to this, the nucleus of the optic tract receives projections from the MT and MST areas and sends them to the DLPN, a process which is specific to HSPs.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and anti-Purkinje autoantibodies: no link?
Published in Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2019
Fatih Hilmi Cetin, Feyza Cetin, Yasemen Isik, Esra Guney, Feyza Alp, Altan Aksoy
Although cerebellum occupies 10% of the area covered by all brain regions, it surely bears more tasks than its share [24]. On one hand, it forms reciprocal connections with the cerebral cortex via the thalamus and the pontine nucleus; on the other hand, it has reciprocal pathways to the vestibular system and spinal cord [25]. Cerebellum has regulatory, organizing, and optimizing functions in both motor tasks and cognitive and affective tasks [26]. By creating a model with an internal regulation before the behavior emerges, it fine-tunes the motor, cognitive, and affective processes as well as allowing the relevant behavior/motor process to be automated over time [27–29]. All these functions are provided by the pathways in the cerebellocortical closed circuit system [26]. Injuries of the anterior lobe of the cerebellum more often lead to loss of sensorimotor functions such as dysmetria, ataxia, and dysdiadokinosis while posterior lobe injuries more often result in failure of cognitive and affective regulation such as cognitive dysmetry and cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome [CCAS] [3]. Recently, structural and functional imaging studies allow detection of problems in cerebellocortical pathways and cerebellar problems in many neuropsychiatric disorders such as autism, ADHD, and dyslexia where cognitive and affective regulation are affected and abnormal and inappropriate behaviors are observed [30].
Does rhythmic auditory stimulation compared to no rhythmic auditory stimulation improve patient’s static and dynamic standing balance post stroke?
Published in Physical Therapy Reviews, 2019
Kathryn Pfeiffer, Jacob Clements, McKayla Smith, Matthew Gregoire, Christopher Conti
Rhythmic auditory stimulation activates auditory timing using auditory stimulation such as a metronome or music [5]. Research has found connections within the human brain called audio-motor pathways; a motor response is activated when audio-motor pathways are stimulated through music and sounds [6]. These connections have also been found within the cerebellum, from the pontine nucleus [6]. This stimulation affects the motor system and attempts to arouse the sensory and motor systems together [5]. RAS uses external auditory cueing in attempts to create movement that is rhythmical [5]. There is extensive research on RAS and its impact on gait, however there is limited research on how RAS effects static and dynamic balance in populations of acute, subacute, and in populations of stroke patients that have sustained their impairments two years or less.