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Adult Ocular and Orbital (Ocular Adnexa) Tumors
Published in Pat Price, Karol Sikora, Treatment of Cancer, 2020
P.N. Plowman, Rachel Lewis, J.L. Hungerford
Adenocarcinoma is the second most common primary eyelid malignancy, and most examples are sebaceous carcinomas. The eyelid is copiously supplied with glandular structures and is a site of predilection for this neoplasm, which may also arise in sebaceous glands in the caruncle or eyebrow. The tumor tends to be multifocal, and pagetoid spread from the lid on to the bulbar conjunctiva is characteristic. Diagnosis is difficult and often delayed because the tumor is mistaken for a simple meibomian cyst or for chronic conjunctivitis or blepharitis. Persistent or recurrent meibomian cysts and chronic, indeterminate “infections” of the conjunctiva and eyelid should therefore be subjected to biopsy. After melanoma, it has the highest mortality rate of all eyelid cancers and is best managed by wide excision. Where the orbit is invaded, orbital exenteration is recommended, and although radiotherapy may be considered when an advanced sebaceous carcinoma involves the only good eye, this neoplasm is not very radiosensitive.
Pathology of Human Bladder Cancer and Related Lesions
Published in George T. Bryan, Samuel M. Cohen, The Pathology of Bladder Cancer, 2017
Gilbert H. Friedell, George K. Nagy, Samuel M. Cohen
Controversy continues as to whether this lesion represents an inflammatory lesion or a hemangioma. The lesion is found in the female urethra, is small, and is reddish and bleeds easily. Histologically it is composed of numerous small blood vessels covered by a squamous or transitional epithelium, often with occasional goblet cells present. A chronic inflammatory infiltrate is usually present. If pedunculated, the proper designation of the lesion is a urethral polyp. Small nests of benign epithelial cells in histologic sections of a caruncle may lead to a mistaken diagnosis of carcinoma. The presence or absence of atypia is critical in making this determination. The mucinous variant of caruncle occurs rarely.100
Ocular and adnexal tumours
Published in Pat Price, Karol Sikora, Treatment of Cancer, 2014
John L. Hungerford, P. Nicholas Plowman
Adenocarcinoma is the second most common primary eyelid malignancy, and most examples are sebaceous carcinomas. The eyelid is copiously supplied with glandular structures and is a site of predilection for this neoplasm, which may also arise in sebaceous glands in the caruncle or eyebrow. The tumour tends to be multifocal, and pagetoid spread from the lid on to the bulbar conjunctiva is characteristic. Diagnosis is difficult and often delayed because the tumour is mistaken for a simple meibomian cyst or for chronic conjunctivitis or blepharitis. Persistent or recurrent meibomian cysts and chronic, indeterminate ‘infections’ of the conjunctiva and eyelid should therefore be subjected to biopsy. After melanoma, it has the highest mortality rate of all eyelid cancers105 and is best managed by wide excision. Where the orbit is invaded, orbital exenteration is recommended, and although radiotherapy may be considered when an advanced sebaceous carcinoma involves the only good eye this neoplasm is not very radiosensitive.
Foreign body granuloma development after calcium hydroxylapatite injection for stress urinary incontinence: A literature review and case report
Published in Arab Journal of Urology, 2023
David A. Csuka, John Ha, Andrew S. Hanna, Jisoo Kim, William Phan, Ahmed S. Ahmed, Gamal M. Ghoniem
The MAUDE adverse events database contains two potentially relevant complication reports. The first patient received three sequential 1.0 mL CaHA injections. Sometime during the next calendar year, the patient was diagnosed with urethral prolapse via periurethral exam, which was assessed by the physician to be of mild severity and not CaHA-related. The urethral prolapse was untreated and resolved shortly. The patient was later diagnosed with caruncle via periurethral exam, which was assessed to be of mild severity and probably not CaHA-related. The caruncle was untreated and resolved shortly [20]. The second patient was unable to urinate without a catheter for 10 days after the CaHA injection, and experienced hematuria with loss of bulking agent particles into the urine due to a urethral tear [21]. Both patients were not formally included as the presence of an FBG requiring surgical intervention was inexplicit.
An unusual case of idiopathic calcinosis of the eyelid
Published in Orbit, 2019
Ashlie A. Bernhisel, Brian E. Zaugg, Nick Mamalis, Jonathan J. Dutton, Bhupendra C. K. Patel
Idiopathic subepidermal calcification also known as subepidermal calcinosis cutis, classically presents as a small, painless, mobile mass on the extremities and face of children. The lesions found on the face typically involve the eyelids or caruncle.1,2 It is a diagnosis of exclusion and requires histopathology, which reveals calcification confined to the superficial dermis. It is important to note that the nodules of subepidermal calcinosis can appear similar to milia, cysts, juvenile xanthogranuloma, chalazia, syringoma, or molluscum contagiosum.2
Nasolacrimal duct obstruction secondary to lacrimal sac involvement by sebaceous carcinoma
Published in Orbit, 2020
Albert Wu, David S Curragh, Rebecca Morrow, Dinesh Selva, Garry Davis
A 57-year-old Caucasian female presented with a 12-month history of right-sided epiphora and intermittent discomfort of the right eye. The lower canaliculus was irrigated with saline, resulting in complete reflux from the upper canaliculus, suggestive of nasolacrimal duct obstruction. Dacryocystography was performed but was of poor quality and not helpful diagnostically. The upper eyelid tarsal conjunctiva demonstrated papillae and inflammation (Figure 1), and the cornea had an irregular epithelial appearance. The caruncle appeared normal.