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SoS architecture
Published in Mo Jamshidi, Systems of Systems Engineering, 2017
System-of-systems architecture is primarily concerned with the architecture of systems created from other autonomous systems. There are two important architecture disciplines that are closely related to SoS architecture. First, there is system architecture, which is principally concerned with the people, activities, and technologies—including structure and behavior—that make up an autonomous system within an enterprise. While it will normally interact with other autonomous systems in the enterprise to maximize the capabilities of the enterprise, its core functions should not be dependent on those systems. Next, there is enterprise architecture, which is primarily concerned with organizational resources (people, information, capital, and physical infrastructure) and activities [4]. Figure 2.2 illustrates the SoS context. While the SoS architect must consider characteristics of component systems that comprise the SoS, the design of those systems is not their main focus. The SoS architect must also consider the larger enterprise context of the SoS, but the enterprise architecture is the primary concern of the enterprise architect. In fact it is often necessary for the SoS architect to consider multiple enterprises, since it is not uncommon for an SoS to cross enterprise boundaries.
Business Models and Reference Architecture of IIoT
Published in Sandeep Misra, Chandana Roy, Anandarup Mukherjee, Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0, 2021
Sandeep Misra, Chandana Roy, Anandarup Mukherjee
Reference Architecture provides a standard framework, which explains business, usage, functional, and implementation viewpoints. Based on the reference architecture, systems are developed and deployed, even considering situations in the future. In other words, the reference architecture of a business comprises functions and interfaces, which assist in the step-by-step implementation of complex technologies. A software reference architecture refers to a higher level system architecture, which provides the details of the software structures, elements, relations, and properties among them. Thus, continuous revision of the reference architecture is necessary in order to incorporate the new insights into the system, as shown in Fig. 5.2(b).
Published in Hanky Sjafrie, Introduction to Self-Driving Vehicle Technology, 2019
A good system architecture is essential when building any complex software product. Having a good system architecture not only minimizes the overall development and maintenance effort in the long run, but it also makes the system easier to improve or update in the future. A good system architecture generally combines widely used design patterns and well-proven design principles with innovative approaches to mitigate application-specific problems, ideally by taking advantage of the local characteristics of the system.
Knowledge-based engineering approach for defining robotic manufacturing system architectures
Published in International Journal of Production Research, 2023
Chen Zheng, Yushu An, Zhanxi Wang, Xiansheng Qin, Benoît Eynard, Matthieu Bricogne, Julien Le Duigou, Yicha Zhang
From the perspective of systems engineering, the definition of architectures plays a key role in linking user requirements and designer activities because the system architecture serves as the abstract structure of a system that ideally meets user requirements and provides designers with reference information on individual modules or components that must be designed and validated in subsequent design activities. However, users may find it difficult to customise system architectures because of their lack of engineering knowledge. Therefore, this paper proposed a KBE architecture definition method that helps users structure their design requirements and automatically generate the most suitable architecture for a robotic manufacturing system using existing components with minimal cost and time investments. Two models (the ontological knowledge model and the MADM model) are defined in the KBE architecture definition method. A rule-based reasoning process is proposed in the ontological knowledge model based on explicit semantic relationships between user requirements and existing components; this model is used to infer possible architectures. In addition, the MADM model was adopted to evaluate the most suitable architecture among several alternatives. The validity of the proposed KBE architecture definition method was demonstrated by a case study on the design of a robotic welding system.
Automatic Generation of Event Trees and Fault Trees: A Model-Based Approach
Published in Nuclear Technology, 2022
Diego Mandelli, Andrea Alfonsi, Tunc Aldemir
In Secs. V and VI (along with the work presented in Refs. 3 and 4), we have employed DPRA methods to inform the construction of ETs and FTs. However, modern PRA methods cannot only rely on advanced simulation tools to capture system complexity and may require more complete system modeling approaches. Complexity need not be only dynamic in nature (where we rely on simulations and DPRA), but also static where we need to model complex system architectures and capture component dependencies that can be static in nature. MBSE approaches8 offer a consistent and systematic way to capture the system architecture and its behavior. In particular, MBSE languages, such as SysML (Ref. 9), provide an effective way to perform system modeling through the use of a set of diagrams. Each diagram provides a means for the system engineer to completely characterize a portion of the system architecture, the dependencies of constituents, and the interactions from both a form and function point of view and system dynamic response.
A framework for automatic architectural synthesis in conceptual design phase
Published in Journal of Engineering Design, 2018
C. Hartmann, R. Chenouard, E. Mermoz, A. Bernard
A system architecture, also called architecture in this paper, is an abstract description of the entities of a system and the relationships between those entities. This definition is given by Crawley et al. (2004). In the presented framework, an architecture is defined from several perspectives: the functional view,the logical view,the physical view andthe geometrical view.