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Air Quality and Emissions Assessment
Published in Wayne T. Davis, Joshua S. Fu, Thad Godish, Air Quality, 2021
Wayne T. Davis, Joshua S. Fu, Thad Godish
Spatial scale categories are (1) microscale, (2) middle scale, (3) neighborhood scale, (4) urban scale, and (5) regional scale. The microscale ranges from a few meters to 100 m (~300 ft.), the middle scale from 100 m to 0.5 km (~0.3 mi.), the neighborhood scale from 0.5 to 4.0 km (~2.5 mi.), the urban scale from 4 to 50 km (~30 mi.), and the regional scale from tens to hundreds of kilometers.
Resource extraction, sustainability and resilience
Published in Juha Kotilainen, Resource Extraction, Space and Resilience, 2020
First, there is the issue that the activities of resource extraction occur by the involvement of various very different societal entities that have different interests. These include the field of industry, states, and local communities. Second, and related to the previous point, when considering sustainability and resilience in relation to the extraction of resources, questions over scales are important. In terms of temporal scales: how long into the future or past are we looking? In terms of spatial scales, it is relevant which spatial scale we are mainly interested in: the local community, region, nation-state, or the global scale. In this context, there is the question of how resilience can be determined across scales, as what works as resilience for one scale does not always benefit the others. Consequently, reflections on how the extraction of resources could be resilient also need to be positioned in the context of spatial scales.
Interactive Visual Data Analysis
Published in Christian Tominski, Heidrun Schumann, Interactive Visual Data Analysis, 2020
Christian Tominski, Heidrun Schumann
The spatial scale significantly affects the results of the visual data analysis. Relationships detected at one scale may not be observable at another scale [And+10]. Hence, determining an adequate spatial scale that corresponds to the subject under consideration is crucial. For example, investigating the traffic at a specific crossing requires a different spatial resolution than exploring major routes between districts.
A comprehensive method for refining essential SDGs variables for land degradation monitoring based on the DPSIR framework
Published in International Journal of Digital Earth, 2023
Yijing Zhao, Xuesheng Zhao, Deqin Fan, Yue Qiu
Differences in spatial scales may affect the results. The final refined variables can be of different grid sizes, which affects the correlation between them. Spatial scale effects are inevitable in spatial analyses and affect the universality of spatially sensitive ESDGVs. However, this point needs to be further tested and discussed in future work. In addition, the choice of time scale may also affect the process and results of the SDGs assessment. In this paper, we selected four time points from 2000 to 2015, and the experimental results showed good regularity. However, sometimes, a shorter time scale is needed to reveal the accelerated impact of policies or the natural environment on the evolution of the land. Therefore, we maybe need a criterion to judge and verify whether the spatial scale and temporal scale are appropriately chosen.
Leveraging ancillary benefits from urban greenspace – a case study of St. Louis, Missouri
Published in Urban Water Journal, 2022
Page Jordan, Fushcia-Ann Hoover, Matthew E. Hopton
When applying the framework, it is important to consider the spatial scale examined and make sure the resolution of data is appropriate to the area under examination. Some indicators are developed through extrapolating national data down to household level (i.e. O3), and may not accurately represent local conditions. One way to mitigate this limitation for O3 is to collect local data, whether through surveys or, for example, passive air samplers. Costs of demolition (if needed), construction of greenspace, and type of greenspace should be taken into consideration too. Lastly, geographic conditions also need to be taken into consideration before installing greenspace. Surface topography, overland flow, sub-surface flow, and soil type influences greenspace establishment, performance, and effectiveness, so these features must be considered when placing greenspace. In addition, soil type and hydrologic flows will influence the growth and success of flora in each area and better provide ecosystem services (Herrmann, Schifman, and Shuster 2020). There are numerous components to consider when planning for effective stormwater and ecosystem service benefits through greenspace installation in urban areas, but this framework enables city planners to include many of the necessary components.
Explore urban interactions based on floating car data – a case study of Chengdu, China
Published in Annals of GIS, 2023
Mei Yang, Yihong Yuan, F. Benjamin Zhan
Geographical phenomena are scale sensitive (Chen et al. 2019). Spatial scale often has a great impact on the analytical results. Using coarser and finer analysis units may lead to different results. In addition, a single spatial scale often cannot provide a comprehensive view when analysing spatial patterns (Jelinski and Wu 1996; Zhang et al. 2018). Thus, we generated multi-scale grid sizes to compare the results in this study. We conducted further analysis of community detection based on different grid sizes to test how grid size affects the spatial and temporal patterns of communities. We used a grid size of 1 km (81 grids) and a grid size of 100 m (7,310 grids) to create taxi zones as the nodes in the community detection analysis.