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Published in Rose G. Davies, Aerodynamics Principles for Air Transport Pilots, 2020
The aerodynamic forces generated on the wings, tail plane, and fuselage of an aircraft can all produce pitching moments. The wings and tail plane are all aerofoils, which generate lift and drag, when the aircraft travels in air. The magnitudes of moments produced by those forces depend on the distances from the forces to the CG. Therefore, it is clear firstly that the location of CG affects longitudinal stability. CG should not be too far back along the longitudinal axis of an aircraft, because it may enhance the disturbance and reduce the capability for the tail plane to produce sufficient restoring pitching moments to stabilize aircraft longitudinally.
Fluid Flow
Published in Daniel H. Nichols, Physics for Technology, 2019
The effect of low pressure created by a rapidly moving fluid is partially responsible for how an airplane gets its lift. The plane’s wing is shaped so that the air moving over the top of the wing has to move faster to keep up with the air moving below it. As a result, the pressure is higher below the wing than above it, and the difference in air pressure pushes the plane upward (Figures 9.24 and 9.25).
Force-System Resultants and Equilibrium
Published in Richard C. Dorf, The Engineering Handbook, 2018
The subject of combustion is very broad and directly or indirectly touches nearly all aspects of our lives. The electronic devices we use are generally powered by fossil-fuel-fired power plants. The cars we drive use internal combustion engines. The planes we fly in use jet-fuel-powered turbine engines. Most of the materials we use have been made through some type of heating or melting combustion process.
Warping included mixed finite elements for bending and stresses of functionally graded exact curved beams
Published in Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2023
Umit N. Aribas, Mert Atalay, Mehmet H. Omurtag
Letting the position vector of an elliptical beam in the Cartesian coordinate system defined as where is the horizontal angle on plane, and and are the minimum and maximum radius, respectively. The infinitesimal arc length is where is the gradient of the arc length. The curvature of plane curve is as given in [72, 79].
Anisotropic plates identification through analyses of dynamic behaviour
Published in Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2023
Arcangelo Messina, R. Nobile, N. I. Giannoccaro, A. V. De Nunzio
Fig. 1 illustrates a rectangular plate having a constant thickness h, axial length Lx and width Ly. The in-plane and normal to the middle-plane coordinate length parameters are denoted by x, y and z, respectively, whereas u, v and w represent the corresponding displacement components. The plate has a so-called general angle-ply lamination scheme involving a single lamina made of a generally orthotropic layer of uniform thickness [22]. The layer is characterized by one of the three principal material axes of orthotropy, lying on a plane parallel to the middle plate plane (x–y plane) and making a certain angle, θ, with the x-axis of the adopted Cartesian coordinate system.
IBEM for Impedance Functions of an Embedded Strip Foundation in a Multi-Layered Transversely Isotropic Half-Space
Published in Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2018
Zhenning Ba, Jianwen Liang, Vincent W. Lee, Liming Hu
In all of the BEMs, the so-called fundamental solutions, i.e., the displacement and traction amplitudes induced by point or distributed loads are needed. As described in the introduction part, in this study, the special half-space Green’s functions of distributed loads first proposed by Wolf and Darare [1984] and Vogt and Wolf [1988] are extended to the layered TI half-space, and serve as the fundamental solutions of the proposed IBEM. These Green’s functions do not present singularities with loads being directly applied on the real soil-structure interface. In the following, the equations are developed for a Cartesian coordinate system of in-plane motion.