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Electrochemical Replication of Self-Assembled Block Copolymer Nanostructures
Published in Di Wei, Electrochemical Nanofabrication, 2017
Edward Crossland, Henry Snaith, Ullrich Steiner
The fascinating bicontinuous topology of the gyroid phase makes it an irresistible target for replication in functional materials for applications in nanotechnology. While a of number porous gyroid materials obtained from sacrificial block copolymers have been identified in bulk (Table 2.1), successful replication of gyroid film templates has only been rather recently achieved [61, 69, 90]. The first electrochemical replication, in 2008, was actually achieved using a EO17-PO12-C14 surfactant templated silica film [90]. Further exploration and applications of replicated gyroid networks remains a current topic of great interest.
Numerical comparison of lattice unit cell designs for medical implants by additive manufacturing
Published in Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 2018
A du Plessis, I Yadroitsava, I Yadroitsev, SG le Roux, DC Blaine
The permeability simulations were done using a Stokes flow method based on a flooded medium, sealed on the edges, with a pressure difference between inlet and outlet planes. This algorithm is implemented in the voxel-based software package and is based on a simple laminar flow simulation. The absolute permeability and tortuosity were calculated and permeability could be compared directly to experimental data of Bobbert et al. (2017) – this was done for the minimal surface design ‘gyroid’ for a range of different densities. These results are shown in Figure 9 – they compare well, with experimental data slightly lower in absolute permeability values. This can be expected since the manufacturing process might result in some parts of the lattices partially blocked by the melted material or partially melted materials that cannot easily be removed.
Characterization of additively manufactured triply periodic minimal surface structures under compressive loading
Published in Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2022
R. Miralbes, D. Ranz, F. J. Pascual, D. Zouzias, M. Maza
According to Figure 8, the Neovious structure and solid material possess almost the same energy absorption capacities at a given strain. The corresponding values obtained for the other materials are lower than that of the solid material. Figure 9 shows that EPS120 and the solid material exhibit the highest normalized absorbed energies. At small values of the normalized stress in the elastic zone, all materials absorb approximately the same energy. Afterwards, the Neovious structure exhibits the highest energy absorption capability followed by the split P and diamond structures. The Schwarz P and Lidinoid structures possess lower energy absorption capabilities, and its smallest value is obtained for the gyroid structure.
Mechanical properties of hybrid structures generated by additively manufactured triply periodic minimal surface structures and foam
Published in Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2023
R. Miralbes, F.J. Pascual, D. Ranz, J.A. Gomez
The analysis of the energy absorption diagrams (Figure 4) shows that for all TPMS types, except for the diamond one, the foamed configurations absorbed more energy at the same strain and absorbed more energy before densification. Foamed gyroid and foamed Lidinoid structures showed results similar to those of EPS. Schwartz-P structures absorbed less energy than EPS, as well as non-foamed gyroid and Lidinoid structures. In contrast, all the diamond configurations absorbed significantly more energy than EPS, and in the case of Split-P structure, the non-foamed configuration absorbed slightly more energy, and the foamed one absorbed significantly more energy than EPS.