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Assessment of Standing Biomass, Forest Structure, and Edaphic Properties in the Temperate Forest of Kashmir Himalaya
Published in Suhaib A. Bandh, Javid A. Parray, Nowsheen Shameem, Climate Change and Microbial Diversity, 2023
Shiekh Marifatul Haq, Musheerul Hassan, Huma Habib, Gulzar Ahmed Rather
At each site, the measurements of “diameter at breast height” (DBH) and tree heights of all the individual trees with ≥10 cm DBH at 1.37 m height aboveground were sampled. Clinometer and Ravi multimeter were used respectively to calculate the slope angle and the tree height. The growing stock volume density (GSVDm3/ha) was evaluated using volume equations developed for the individual tree species (FSI, 1996). For tree species for which the volume equations were unavailable (e.g., Aesculus indica), the GSVD was calculated with the help of volume equations of congeneric species with comparable, form, canopy, growth rate, and height. The Aboveground Biomass Density (AGBD) of the tree parts (stem, branches, twigs, and leaves) was calculated by multiplying GSVD of the sample plot with appropriate biomass expansion factor (BEF) (Brown et al., 1999).
Volume Scattering
Published in Yoshio Yamaguchi, Polarimetric SAR Imaging, 2020
The main application of the volume scattering is forest mapping related to biomass estimation. Radar observables are backscattering coefficients. Since biomass is not directly related to the backscattering, the estimation of biomass has been investigated based on these observables. Although some experimental equations relating biomass and backscattering coefficients have been presented [3–6], it is always necessary to update empirical equations for more accurate estimation. There are several methodologies in the forestry area that biomass is estimated through measurable height parameters. Tree height or diameter at breast height (DBH) can be measured directly and used for accurate estimates of biomass [6]. This information can also be used as sampling data. Therefore, the SAR measurement is further extended toward the PolInSAR or TomoSAR technique as shown in Figure 15.2 to measure tree height and volume structure. Since the detail of TomoSAR measurement [7] is out of scope of this book, it is omitted here.
LANDIS PRO Forest Landscape Model
Published in Yeqiao Wang, Landscape and Land Capacity, 2020
LANDIS PRO is a raster-based FLM that evolved over 20 years from the LANDIS model family (Mladenoff and He 1999; He and Mladenoff 1999a; Mladenoff 2004; He et al. 2005; Scheller et al. 2007; Yang et al. 2011; Wang et al. 2013) (Figure 43.1). Within each raster cell, the model records number of trees for each species age class. Tree size (diameter at breast height or DBH) for each species age class is derived from user-defined empirical age–DBH relationships for each land type (or ecoregion at regional scales), which accounts for the effects of varying resource availabilities and species establishment (Figure 43.2). With both tree density and size information, LANDIS PRO derives key stand parameters including density, basal area, stocking, and biomass by species and by size class for each raster cell. Such information at each cell forms wall-to wall representations of forest attributes across the simulation area. LANDIS PRO simulation results allow for straightforward comparisons with forest inventory data, allowing seamlessly use of such data to construct the initial forest conditions, calibrate model parameters, and validate simulation results (Figure 43.2).
Physiological workload evaluation by means of heart rate monitoring during motor-manual clearcutting operations
Published in International Journal of Forest Engineering, 2021
Zahra Arman, Mehrdad Nikooy, Petros A. Tsioras, Mahmoud Heidari, Baris Majnounian
This study was carried out in a loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantation managed by the Shafarood forest harvesting company, in northern Iran (37°06ʹ44ʺN, 49°23ʹ31ʺE) (Table 1). The study area was 35 years old, had a mild slope of 0–5% and according to the forest management plan had to be clearcut. The average diameter at breast height (DBH) was 35 cm and the average tree height 17.93 m resulting in an average tree volume of 0.586 m3. The trees were felled and processed with the chainsaw model STIHL 070 with bars 75 cm long. This is the most commonly used type of chainsaw in the area, possibly due to the prevalence of large diameter trees. The cut-to-length method was used resulting in logs with a length ranging from 5 to 7 m. Then, a Timberjack 450 C wheeled skidder and agricultural tractors equipped with a trailer were used for wood extraction. Small-dimensioned harvesting residues remained in the stand.
A decision support system for Taiwan’s forest resource management using Remote Sensing Big Data
Published in Enterprise Information Systems, 2021
Ruei-Yuan Wang, Pao-an Lin, Jui-Yuan Chu, Yi-Huang Tao, Hsiao-Chi Ling
Tree height and diameter at breast height (DBH) are most significant tree attributes in forest inventory, which is usually applied to calculate individual tree and forest-stand attributes such as volume, biomass, carbon stock, stand growth and productivity, etc. (Wang et al. 2019; Jurjevi´c et al. 2020). In this study, the survey items of the plots include the name of the tree species, diameter at breast height (DBH), tree height (H), the height of branches, crown level, etc., and records the dead plants during the period. The ground survey data are used to establish the classification file using Geographic Information System (GIS). Then, according to the survey data, the estimation of timber volume quantity is based on the Forestry Bureau’s empirical formulas. The primary tree types and formulas are listed in table 2 respectively.
Estimating woody debris recruitment in a stream caused by a typhoon-induced landslide: a case study of Typhoon Lionrock in Iwaizumi, Iwate prefecture, Japan
Published in Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 2018
Thapthai Chaithong, Daisuke Komori, Yuto Sukegawa, Satoshi Anzai
Forest analysis is a survey of the height, diameter of trees and tree density to analyse the potential volume of downed woody debris in the study site. The forest analysis is the second step of the proposed method used to estimate the volume of downed woody debris; we also used a global tree density dataset. In this study, we measured the heights and diameters of trees in the study area to estimating the volume of downed woody debris. We used a laser meter to measure the height of each tree and girthing tape to measure the girth of each tree. The girth of the tree is measured at 1.35 metres above the ground and then is converted to the diameter at breast height (DBH).