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Expertise Differences in Attentional Strategies Related to Pilot Decision Making
Published in Don Harris, Wen-Chin Li, Decision Making in Aviation, 2017
Angela T. Schriver, Daniel G. Morrow, Christopher D. Wickens, Donald A. Talleur
Cues vary in diagnosticity, or the extent to which they predict system state. Cue validity or diagnosticity can be defined as the probability of a system state given occurrence of the cue value. Because highly diagnostic information is most relevant to correctly diagnosing the state of a situation, it should be selected in the cue-seeking phase and integrated with other information in the diagnosis phase (Wickens & Hollands, 2000). If experts’ prior decisions provide feedback, they should learn which cues are more diagnostic and, over time, pay more attention to these cues, so that the “attention gradient” between more and less diagnostic cues would be greater for experts than for novices.
The Problem of Fidelity
Published in Alfred T. Lee, Vehicle Simulation, 2017
The strength of the relationship between the cue or proximal stimulus and the perceptual judgment can be measured experimentally by determining the strength of the correlation between the two. The higher the correlation between the cue and the perceptual judgment, the greater the value of the cue will be in supporting the perceptual judgment. Moreover, if there are multiple cues supporting the judgment, the cue that has the strongest relation to the judgment, that is, its relative cue validity, will play a greater role in the judgment than those with lower validity.
Attention Control
Published in Christopher D. Wickens, Jason S. McCarley, Applied Attention Theory, 2019
Christopher D. Wickens, Jason S. McCarley
In the real world, cues to shift attention may sometimes be inappropriate or just plain wrong. This issue was captured in an experimental procedure known as the cuing paradigm, developed by Posner and colleagues (Posner, 1980; Posner, Snyder, and Davidson, 1980). In a typical version of Posner’s cuing change to procedure the observer is asked to keep her eyes on a central fixation mark and to make a speeded detection judgment of a target signal that can appear in the visual periphery on either side. The observer’s attention is manipulated by a cue that appears prior to signal onset. The columns of Figure 3.1 illustrate the events within two different types of experimental trials. Here, the cue is an arrow pointing toward one of the possible target locations. On valid cue trials, as illustrated in the left column, the target signal appears at the cued location. On invalid cue trials, as illustrated in the right column, the target signal appears at an uncued location. Generally, cue validity is above chance, such that target is more likely to appear at the cued than at the uncued location. The effects of attention are measured by comparing RTs for target detection following cues of different validity; an attentional cost obtains when RTs for invalid cue trials are longer than for control trials on which no location is cued, and an attention benefit obtains when RTs for valid cue trials are shorter than for control trials. Studies have confirmed that even for a task as simple as detecting the onset of an above-threshold spot of light, valid cues reduce RTs and invalid cues increase them (e.g., Posner, Snyder, and Davidson 1980). Similar effects obtain when a discrimination task is used instead of a detection task (e.g., ibid.), and when judgment accuracy is used as the dependent variable (e.g., Lu and Dosher 1998).
The Ten Differences Between Programs and Projects, and the Problems They Cause
Published in Engineering Management Journal, 2022
Julien Pollack, Ekaterina Anichenko
Prototypes are category exemplars. They can be identified in terms of their demonstration of particular cues against which category members are compared (Ito & Gehrt, 2016, p. 9); cues that are the key distinguishing characteristics that identify category membership. The reliability of a cue is called its cue validity. For example, gills have 100% cue validity for the category fish, and a 0% cue validity for other categories of living creatures (Lakoff, 1987, p. 52). In abstract socially constructed categories, high cue validity may be less likely, resulting in blurring at the edge of the category. For example, uniqueness has a high cue validity for the category project. However, in some industries, like kit home construction, the differences between individual projects may be negligible, suggesting the cue validity of uniqueness would not be 100%. Few, if any, cues for project or program would have a 100% cue validity. Like many categories, project and program have a blurred boundary for membership, with potential sub-categories, such as industry type or methodological association, all of which have their own membership cues.