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Application Tracking and Navigation
Published in Bin Jia, Ming Xin, Grid-based Nonlinear Estimation and Its Applications, 2019
Besides the ground sensors, there are space sensors. Compared to the ground sensors, the visibility constraints of the space sensors are fewer. It is highly possible in the future to deploy cubic satellites to observe the space objects.
Humanitarian Emergencies: Causes, Traits, and Impacts as Observed by Remote Sensing
Published in Prasad S. Thenkabail, Remote Sensing Handbook, 2015
Stefan Lang, Füreder Petra, Olaf Kranz, Brittany Card, Roberts Shadrock, Papp Andreas
There is a substantial growing market of small satellites that are designed to reduce costs by minimizing mass. Several categories are distinguished: small satellites (100–500 kg), microsatellites (10–100 kg), and nanosatellites (1–10 kg). Beyond that there are picosatellites (<1 kg) and femtosatellites (10–100 g) in production. In 2013, almost 100 micro- and nanosatellites were launched. Many of them are built in the CubeSat standard format, with a volume of exactly 1 L (10 cm cube) and a mass of no more than 1.33 kg. The spatial resolution is up to 1 m with revisiting times of up to several hours. Companies like Planet Labs, Spire (formerly Nanosatisfi), Surrey Satellite Technology, Dauria Aerospace, or Skybox Imaging are planning to launch many more of their nano- and microsatellites in the upcoming years.
CubeSat project: experience gained and design methodology adopted for a low-cost Electrical Power System
Published in Automatika, 2022
Kamel Djamel Eddine Kerrouche, Abderrahmane Seddjar, Nassima Khorchef, Sidi Ahmed Bendoukha, Lina Wang, Abdelkader Aoudeche
This last decade has seen a significant development of small and nanosatellites launched and put into orbit. These nanosatellites are mostly designed, built, tested, and operated according to the CubeSat standard, which was developed in 2000 by California Polytechnic State University and Stanford University [1]. A nanosatellite with the dimensions of one, two, up to three cubes that can be built and launched is named, a single CubeSat (denoted 1U), a double CubeSat (denoted 2U), or a triple CubeSat (denoted 3U), respectively. To offer more flexible mission profiles (interplanetary missions, communication, astrochemistry, and astrobiology research with larger payload), a sextuple CubeSat (denoted 6U) up to 12U nanosatellite is nowadays being considered, while preserving the advantages offered by standardization, by varying the profile of the CubeSats deployed into orbits [2,3]. Space agencies, especially NASA, are experimenting with using CubeSats to deal with scientific problems, such as 6U nanosatellites launched in 2018 towards Mars for a telecommunications experiment [4]. CubeSats are placed in their orbits using a closed deployer, such as Poly PicoSatellite Orbital Deployer (PPOD), which can be loaded with three-1U CubeSat, one 2U and one 1U or one 3U nanosatellite. While 6U or 12U nanosatellite are generally designed for deployment from International Space Station (ISS) via NanoRacks [5]. Compared with large-scale satellites projects, CubeSats are low-cost for the launch and the hardware, with a short period of development and fast delivery [6].
Determining Aerothermodynamic Effects on Very-Low-Earth-Orbit Satellites Using Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Method
Published in International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2021
ChungChun Hsieh, ChienYu Pan, MingChung Lo
The first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, was deployed on October 4, 1957. This event was a milestone in the space age. Since October 1957, many countries have developed space capabilities, including satellites. In 1999, Professor Suari of California Polytechnic State University and Professor Twiggs of Stanford University proposed the reference design of a CubeSat (Heidt et al. 2000). A CubeSat, which is inspired by picosatellites, is designed at per unit scale equivalent in size to 1 L of water cube. Owing to the small size of a CubeSat, the cost of a functional satellite can be reduced. With the application of the Orbiting Picosatellite Automatic Launcher, multiple CubeSats can be deployed in a single rocket mission and operate in a constellation. These advantages have enabled a cost-effective development of the CubeSat satellite.