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Published in Gerald Mars, David Weir, Risk Management, 2020
Total Systems Intervention (TSI) has been developed by Flood and Jackson and is described in their book, Creative Problem Solving: Total Systems Intervention (1991). The intention now is to introduce TSI, showing how it relates to Critical Systems Thinking (CST). We start with the assumption that there have been two main approaches to problem solving. The first is isolationist. Here the problem solver always applies the one "proven" method. At a practical level, this puts pressure on the practitioners to distort the facts so that they fit within limitations of the method. At a theoretical level, should there be exchanges between the supporters of each method as to which is the best, the result is likely to be unresolvable "winner take all" disputes. The second approach derives from the argument proposed by many pragmatic practitioners that management scientists should not develop airy-fairy theories, but should concentrate on building up a toolkit of techniques that have been shown to work in practice. The problem with this view is that it abandons the development of an overall intellectual discipline by which to decide what does work well in practice and why it is successful.
Systems Science, Complexity, and Networks
Published in Vivek Kale, Agile Network Businesses, 2017
When scientific knowledge advances to the extent that there is a discrepancy between theory and practice, there is a paradigm shift, according to the eminent scientific historian Thomas Kuhn (1962). Such paradigm shifts have also occurred with systems thinking. The four paradigms of systems thinking described in this chapter are Hard systems thinking (HST)Soft systems thinking (SST)Critical systems thinking (CST)Multimodal systems thinking (MST)
Augmented Prototyping as a design means for industrial design – A multiple case analysis
Published in Paulo Jorge Bártolo, Artur Jorge Mateus, Fernando da Conceição Batista, Henrique Amorim Almeida, João Manuel Matias, Joel Correia Vasco, Jorge Brites Gaspar, Mário António Correia, Nuno Carpinteiro André, Nuno Fernandes Alves, Paulo Parente Novo, Pedro Gonçalves Martinho, Rui Adriano Carvalho, Virtual and Rapid Manufacturing, 2007
Methods of Critical Systems Thinking might have good use for the, especially in the ‘softer’ aspects of collaboration. There are examples of using Group Decision Rooms for urban planning to deal with interpretive aspects (Laurini, 1998). Sanders (1999) introduces co-create tools with specific physical components to support participatory design, dealing with emancipatory issues. Furthermore, the method of Interaction Relabeling (Djajadiningrat et al., 2000) employs physical prototypes in a similar way to Pratt’s postmodern Generative Conversations.
A paradigm shift to ethical decision-making—incorporating systemic epistemology into complex socio-technical decision support systems research
Published in Journal of Decision Systems, 2022
Midgley and Rajagopalan (2020) describe systemic thinking’s evolution as hard, soft, and critical systems thinking. Hard systems thinking neglects social concerns and views organisations as mechanistic scenarios of causation (A causes B) (Flood & Jackson, 1991). Comparatively, the soft systems methodology (SSM) (Checkland, 1972) considers multiple social, ethical, and technical aspects in IS design but has been criticised for omitting marginalised perspectives in their ethical judgement (Córdoba & Midgley, 2008). Hence, a more critical and ethical systemic epistemology is needed that explores stakeholder concerns, including those of marginalised stakeholders.
Form follows users: a framework for system-based design
Published in Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 2020
In literature, there are two fields related to SD applications: Systems-Oriented Design (SOD) and Systems Engineering (SE). Inspired by critical systems thinking (e.g. Sevaldson, 2018), SOD is based on systems theory (Buckley, 1967; Burns, 2006; Stichweh, 2011) to develop practices for addressing complexity in design (Nelson & Stolterman, 2012; Sevaldson, 2018) through the decomposition of a problem into various soft and hard systems. Similarly, SE is an interdisciplinary field of engineering/management that is mainly concerned with designing, integrating, and managing complex systems over their life cycles (Adcock, 2007; Buede & Miller, 2016; Hall, 1962; Schlager, 1956).
The Subjectivity of Data Scientists in Machine Learning Design
Published in Journal of Computer Information Systems, 2023
Researchers have used various systems thinking methods and tools to systemically explore problem situations. Some examples include critical systems thinking,34 soft systems methodology (SSM),32,58,65 the appreciative inquiry method,67 critical realism,63 and socio-technical theory.30,68