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Site Investigation for Groundwater Lowering
Published in Pat M. Cashman, Martin Preene, Groundwater Lowering in Construction, 2020
The conceptual model should be integral to the planning and interpretation of any investigation, especially where groundwater conditions are important. The conceptual model should identify the likely presence of aquifers and aquitards, possible ranges of groundwater levels, possible permeability of key strata, etc. The model can be used to aid the selection of investigation methods and design of monitoring wells, piezometers and other groundwater monitoring measures. The initial conceptual model is typically based on the findings of the desk study and site reconnaissance (Section 11.6) and can be used to help plan the early phases of investigation. The conceptual model should be updated as more information is gathered and interpreted. This can enable later phases of investigation to be better targeted or adapted for the ground conditions actually encountered.
Mas-Based Data Modeling in Civil Engineering
Published in Parveen Berwal, Jagjit Singh Dhatterwal, Kuldeep Singh Kaswan, Shashi Kant, Computer Applications in Engineering and Management, 2022
Parveen Berwal, Jagjit Singh Dhatterwal, Kuldeep Singh Kaswan, Shashi Kant
A conceptual model is characterized as a “conceptual frameworks schema” [78] that consists of three parts: (1) concepts within an area, (2) the attributes and relationships between these definitions, and (3) constraints on the value of the property and agreements. The ontology includes a common language and a categorization in which the principles in a field can be defined and used in the analysis and management of the domain information. Many comprehensive schemes and conceptual frameworks for sensors and their characteristics were created. In the context of this paper, we have evaluated the conceptual frameworks of Transmitter ML, Onto Sensor, CSIRO, and SSN. Descriptions of these assessments are given in the following paragraphs [71]:
Conceptual Modelling (Abstraction)
Published in Andrew Greasley, Simulation Modelling, 2023
Scoping or the task of defining what to model can be summarised as decisions regarding what should be left out (or included in the model). The model scope is the definition of the boundary between what is to be included in the model and what is considered external to the specification. The scope will need to encompass the study objectives and aspects of the system that connect the defined factors (e.g. customer arrivals) with our responses (e.g. customer flow time). The main components of the conceptual model can be considered to be entities with their associated attributes, processes with their associated resources, queues and decision logic elements (figure 3.6).
Development of a conceptual model for lean supply chain planning in industry 4.0: multidimensional analysis for operations management
Published in Production Planning & Control, 2023
John Reyes, Josefa Mula, Manuel Díaz-Madroñero
A conceptual model is a set of concepts used to represent or describe an event, object or process, and can be based on the integration of different works into the same subject (Mundi et al. 2019). Hernandez, Mula, and Ferriols (2008) describe a methodology that identifies and analyses inputs, outputs, processes and subprocesses for the conceptual modelling of production planning processes, which can be applied to other modelling domains. Several SCM models have been defined by other authors in this field. The work of Mula, Díaz-Madroñero, and Peidro (2012) presents a conceptual model that serves as a reference for developing new production technology and integrates material requirements planning, production resource capacities and SC. Other conceptual models of production planning show that this process is one of the most important SC activities in the short and mid-term, and is one of the main inputs for orders (Mundi et al. 2019).
Review of mathematical models for production planning under uncertainty due to lack of homogeneity: proposal of a conceptual model
Published in International Journal of Production Research, 2019
Isabel Mundi, M. M. E. Alemany, Raúl Poler, Vicente S. Fuertes-Miquel
A Conceptual Model is a set of concepts employed to represent or describe an event, object or process and can be based on the integration of different works on the same topic (Meredith 1993). Several authors use a systematic review of the literature to propose a conceptual model which integrates the most important concepts in different field (Seth, Deshmukh, and Vrat 2006; Igarashi, de Boer, and Fet 2013; Ramasesh and Browning 2014; Heckmann, Comes, and Nickel 2015). We suggest a conceptual model based on the literature review whose systematic analysis brings together the aspects to consider when modelling the production planning in sectors with LHP in an uncertain environment.
Three conceptual models of restorative environments based on user’s restorative experience in the COVID-19 pandemic period
Published in Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 2023
Grace A. H. Sibarani, Hanson E. Kusuma, Annisa Safira Riska
The results of the study indicate that there is a discrepancy between the current restorative environment and what has been conceptualized before. To visualize this novelty, a conceptual model will be used. A conceptual model is a model that describes how the causal relationship of elements with principal factors that have been known in a particular problem or phenomenon. Conceptual models can provide perspectives, or points of view used to view a research topic, so they are often used to define concepts and explain phenomena (Ravitch and Riggan 2017; Trochim 2007).