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Optimal contraception control for a size-structured population model with extra mortality
Published in Applicable Analysis, 2020
Rong Liu, Guirong Liu
Obviously, if is a fixed point of the map , then it is a solution of Equation (11) and vice versa. Define a new norm in by
for some , which is equivalent to the usual norm. It is clear that is a Banach space; that is, is a complete metric space. Here for , . It is easy to see that maps into itself. Now, we show that is a contraction mapping on the complete metric space . For any , , we have
Choose λ such that . Then is a contraction mapping on the complete metric space . By the Banach fixed-point theorem, owns a unique fixed point , which is the solution of Equation (11).
Path-based incremental target level algorithm on Riemannian manifolds
Published in Optimization, 2020
Peng Zhang, Gejun Bao
Let be a sequence in the complete metric space . If is quasi-Fejér convergent to a set then is bounded and converges for all . If furthermore, a cluster point y of belongs to W, then .
Stochastic maximum principle for optimal control problem with a stopping time cost functional
Published in International Journal of Control, 2022
Shuzhen Yang
Let be a continuous function on a complete metric space . Given and such that
Then, there exists a such that
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