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Computers and programs
Published in Kirk Ross, Hunt Andy, Digital Sound Processing for Music and Multimedia, 2013
The third important construct is looping or iteration. In a looping construct, a sequence of operations or instructions is carried out repetitively. Each time around the loop (i.e. on each repetition), a condition is evaluated and if the condition is found to be false, then the loop is terminated and the next operation in the overall sequence (Empty the bowl in the example shown in Figure 7.6) is carried out. In this case, the condition is ‘Are there are any left?’
Sequential Logic
Published in Douglas O. J. deSá, Instrumentation Fundamentals for Process Control, 2019
A sequence is a logical series of operations that are to be implemented to achieve the result(s) required. A linear sequence comprises a series of steps that are activated one after the other; in practice, each step is followed by a transition, and each transition by a step. An active sequence is one in which any one step is active. The sequence is inactive only if all steps are inactive as illustrated in Figure 25.13.
Published in Phillip A. Laplante, Dictionary of Computer Science, Engineering, and Technology, 2017
branching (1) branching in code execution results when two or more different instruction sequences (branches) may be executed as the result of a data-dependent decision. The degree of branching in code may affect performance optimization by limiting the usefulness of prefetching instructions. See instruction prefetch, branch prediction.
Switching models and control of Petri Nets with shared resources under marking constraints
Published in International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2022
Ben Afia Nesrine, Amari Said, Messaoud Hassani
In order to model the sharing phenomenon between Conflicted Timed Event Graphs, the authors tend to study the switching behavior of these discrete event systems. Their evolution is described by mode’s succession that consists on a switching sequence defining the resource allocation of a particular process. Indeed, the mode’s organization within a sequence is already fixed by the production plan. In the following section, some basic definitions are introduced. Definition 3:A Conflicted Timed Event Graphs is a number of SISO competitive Timed Event Graphs, like:.Definition 4:A sequence is a set of modes that follows fixed order depending on a particular operational need. Let S denotes the sequence.
Integrating four-dimensional ontology and systems requirements modelling
Published in Journal of Engineering Design, 2019
The above define a pattern of using the time model that tools can apply automatically to system models. Figure 15 applies it by specialising a Produce Item plan from HappensInTime, subsetting the Finish step from happensDuring−1 (other step subsetting omitted for simplicity), and typing sequence connectors by happensBefore (omitted from the notation for simplicity). Tools can apply the pattern incrementally as engineers create process plans, add steps, and sequence them through graphical interfaces, or it can be applied when models are complete enough for analysis.23 Engineers would only see the activity diagram, without specialisation and classification links to the library and metamodel, while logical and temporal reasoners could operate at the logical layer of the library. Engineers would use familiar terms and still have the benefits of temporal abstractions inferred automatically.