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Ontology-Enhanced Thesaurus for Promoting Biomimetics Research
Published in Akihiro Miyauchi, Masatsugu Shimomura, Biomimetics, 2023
Riichiro Mizoguchi, Kouji Kozaki
In general, users retrieving information from databases need to use appropriate keywords. Some retrieval systems provide users with a thesaurus, a systematic collection of related terms with their relationships, to help the users with that task. A thesaurus is built by exploiting documents about the target domain and its quality depends heavily on quantity and quality of the used documents. Unfortunately, biomimetics is a newly born research topic, and hence documents about it are not matured enough comparing with other matured domains (see the left in Fig. 2.5). Therefore, there is no guarantee that relations between terms used in the two domains (engineering and biology) are adequately covered by a thesaurus even if it is made for biomimetics. This is the reason why further enhancement would be required to augment the utility of biomimetics thesauri for bridging possible gaps between these two domains. OET is designed to realize such an augmented thesaurus for biomimetics (Fig. 2.5).
Semantic Interoperability of Long-Tail Geoscience Resources over the Web
Published in Ashok N. Srivastava, Ramakrishna Nemani, Karsten Steinhaeuser, Large-Scale Machine Learning in the Earth Sciences, 2017
Mostafa M. Elag, Praveen Kumar, Luigi Marini, Scott D. Peckham, Rui Liu
It is helpful to think in terms of three major “use cases” that occur when a scientist wants to find and connect resources (whether doing so over the Web or on a local machine). The first use case is discovery, where the scientist is searching for resources that are relevant to a given problem. In this case, semantic technology is required to assess semantic similarity. At a minimum, this requires some thesaurus for mapping the search terms provided by the user to a set of synonyms and other closely related terms. WordNet http://wordnet.princeton.edu/ uses a similar approach, including the conceptual-semantics and lexical relationships between terms (nouns, verbs, etc.) that are required to create a network of meaningful words and concepts. One difficulty here is the lack of uniqueness because different people tend to create different associations and hierarchies in their minds between terms. These may be characterized as “world views” and their non-uniqueness and personal preference is a major challenge; it can make the underlying database a source of contention. This contention can be particularly increased, if there is a requirement for concepts and terms to be organized into a hierarchical, that is, tree-like data structure. One way around this issue is to use annotation instead of trees, that is, to annotate terms with any number of relevant annotations from a CV list.
Semantic Framework and Methodology for Cultural Heritage Data Integration Fore-Walkthrough
Published in Durgesh Kumar Mishra, Nilanjan Dey, Bharat Singh Deora, Amit Joshi, ICT for Competitive Strategies, 2020
M. Lissa, V. Bhuvaneswari, T. Devi
Classification Systems and Thesauri: “A Thesaurus is a controlled list of terms linked together by semantic, hierarchical, associative or equivalence relationships”. A thesaurus is represented as graph structure, where nodes are used to represent the terms, and edges depicting the semantic realtions. A thesaurus is a simple and straight forward implementation of the “concept space”. Modelling of semantic concepts for the concepts in Thesauri and relating text in cultural heritage is challenging.
An Algorithmic Scheme for Statistical Thesaurus Construction in a Morphologically Rich Language
Published in Applied Artificial Intelligence, 2019
Chaya Liebeskind, Ido Dagan, Jonathan Schler
Thesauri usually provide related terms for each target term. Since both target and related terms correspond to lemmas, statistical collection is commonly applied at the lemma level, using a morphological analyzer and tagger (Peirsman, Heylen, and Speelman 2008; Rapp 2008). However, due to the rich challenging morphology of MRL, such tools are often limited.
GEOSS Platform data content and use
Published in International Journal of Digital Earth, 2023
Enrico Boldrini, Stefano Nativi, Jiri Hradec, Mattia Santoro, Paolo Mazzetti, Max Craglia
Keyword thesauri can contain predefined keyword terms and also relations among them. The use of thesauri is recommended to define a precise meaning (e.g. shared semantics inside a given domain community) of the utilized keywords.