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Published in Randall L. Eubank, Ana Kupresanin, Statistical Computing in C++ and R, 2011
Randall L. Eubank, Ana Kupresanin
Class templates provide a way of producing generic functions in the sense that class methods can be made applicable to any data type (either primitive or user defined) that is used in the creation of the class object. However, once a template class object has been created with a specific data type, its methods become data type specific. For example, objects from the fileOut class will all have an associated method write. But, a fileOut object created for working with data type int will balk if an attempt is made to use it to write out data of type double.
Statistical Calculations
Published in Julio Sanchez, Maria P. Canton, Software Solutions for Engineers and Scientists, 2018
Julio Sanchez, Maria P. Canton
We have attempted to make our routines data-type flexible, within the limitations of the programming language. To a certain degree, type flexibility can be achieved by means of C++ templates. The template mechanism allows creating generic functions that operate with any compatible data type. In C and C++ the same purpose can be achieved with pointers to void, but templates are easier to develop and use. For example, the following template defines a function named Sort which can accept as a parameter an array of any C++ data type.
C++ and Objective C
Published in Paul W. Ross, The Handbook of Software for Engineers and Scientists, 2018
And the skeleton implementation of the template Stack class would look like #include “Stack.h” template <class Type> Stack<Type>::Stack(): top(0) { } template <class Type> Stack<Type>::-Stack() { // implement destructor here } template <class Type> voidStack<Type>::push(const Type& val) { // implement push here } template <class Type> Type Stack<Type>::pop() { // implement pop here }
Automatic differentiation of a finite-volume-based transient heat conduction code for sensitivity analysis
Published in Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 2018
A template is an entity in the C++ programming language that defines a family of classes or functions that are specialized at compile-time for the specific type that is required. Templating is utilized as a means to write generic code that can be used with the FwdDiff class, as well as built-in types, such as double.